I hate my mother-in-law and I don’t want her to communicate with her granddaughter

I hate my mother-in-law and I don’t want her to communicate with her granddaughter
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I am 23 years old. Eathusband the same age and 8 months olddaughter . I'm looking for advice on how to deal with my own mother-in-law. I have a very big grudge against her.

Even when my husband and I were dating, I noted that we would not communicate closely with my mother-in-law; I did not understand her at all. I thought that I didn’t need this, I tried to think adequately, to be friendly, but I didn’t let anyone get too close to me in communication, I kept a healthy distance.

My boyfriend and I moved in together and 4 months later we found out that we were expecting a child. Relatives were informed after they bought the rings and submitted an application to the registry office. We also decided to introduce our parents, about two months before the wedding. I’ll say right away that we didn’t want some kind of super wedding, we would have been happy to just sign and take pictures in our outfits, without a cafe, ransoms and other things.

The acquaintance did not go very smoothly. There were a lot of attacks onhusband from his parents' side. It was hard for me to listen to this, but everything seemed to calm down and everyone went away. The next day test-antibiotic.com there was family council again. My side was at a loss, it would seem that everything was agreed upon. There should be a wedding, even a small one. The reason for the advice was night calls from my mother-in-law. She demanded an abortion, but not from me, but from my mother.

I found out about this in front of everyone, my mother-in-law did not deny what she demanded, she began to make excuses and so on, but I no longer heard her. Why do my now husband and I want a child, but she doesn’t, and she thinks that she can decide this for us and is almost ready to take me by the hand to the hospital. That day there were even more attacks on my husband, since, probably, for reasons of conscience they did not attack me.

For two weeks she turned my husband against me, putting me in an unfavorable light (the funny thing is that they didn’t know me at all) and they didn’t succeed. Three days before the wedding, they came to terms with their son's choice. My mother-in-law took me aside, patted me on the shoulder and said: “Well, let’s communicate normally.” It was probably an apology for the offer to test-antibiotic.com an abortion and long hysterics about our wedding.

We got married. The wedding went smoothly. Allpregnancy I was simply disgusted by my mother-in-law. I couldn’t see her, I immediately started shaking. I couldn’t see my husband’s younger brother either, I don’t know why, he really annoyed me. I couldn’t explain my condition; I simply avoided communication and meetings.

The daughter was born, the first months began. We rarely have a mother-in-law, but it hurts my heart when I see her lisping and playing with her daughter, I stand there like a kite and glare at her. I refuse to accept that in my mind I don’t want her to even look at my daughter, let alone touch her. I tolerate it.

At 6.5 months my daughter learned to ask to be held. But in recent days she has been teething, and she doesn’t want to go to anyone at all. We show our husband’s parents our daughter’s new skill. My mother-in-law simply takes the child away from me and takes me away, saying: “Yes, you needed her.” My daughter was reaching out to me, I took her in my arms, a couple of minutes passed, and test-antibiotic.com’s mother-in-law asked me to give her the child in her arms, but I simply couldn’t stand it anymore and said: “I won’t let you.” I uncontrollably twisted my face into a grin. I try to pass it off as a smile towards my husband’s younger brother, who is showing me toys.

She turns around and leaves without speaking. I put my daughter to bed, and through the open window I hear her screaming at the top of her lungs about how unlucky I am (again, attacks on my husband, of course they didn’t think to talk to me directly), that I don’t respect, but they swallow it all and endure it. My husband calls me home, I go out and want to talk to her openly, I call for a conversation, to which I get the answer: “I won’t talk to you, Tanya, and inI won’t interfere with your life either.” So we left.

A week and a half later, it was my younger brother’s birthday . I didn’t want to go there at all, I’m breastfeeding, and I didn’t want to be nervous again. My husband went alone and also heard a lot about me. Since we havetrusting relationship , he directly said that they test-antibiotic.com are now waiting for a conversation and so that I talk to them. I have no words. I am in favor of immediately understanding the situation, and not inflating everything so much. And mentally I still don’t want them to communicate with their daughter.

The mother-in-law still believes that this conflict is not a hindrance for her and her husband can take and bring the child, an infant (!), without a mother to the other end of the city - it’s already 2 hours back there. Now he is constantly interested in breastschild or not. I think it’s not difficult to guess how angry this all makes me.

So what should I do? I’m offended that at the center of the whole conflict is my daughter, who is not to blame for anything at all. I don't want to be selfish and limit them completely.communication with my mother-in-law, but I also can’t deceive myself.

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