I hate my father and hope I never see him again

I hate my father and hope I never see him again
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I am now 26 years old, I have not worked for 6 months.

I was born in a remote village as the third child in my family, and then we moved to the city. My parents had no money at all, they left my older sister and brother with my grandmother, and I lived with them in the city and we rented someone’s basement! It was literally a basement with no windows, there was artificial light and one small door, who watched the movie “Room” and so the conditions were better there!

I was 7 years old at the time and my parents didn’t buy me any toys, we didn’t have a TV at home, and all day long my entertainment was looking at the wall with mold and sometimes little mice and rats came out. There was practically nothing to breathe in the basement; for days on end I sat in the dark, since the lights were always turned off during the day. I was forbidden to go outside, because there I could get lost or something else. Parents left early in the morning and came late in the evening. My father worked as a security guardmother is a technician.

After many years of suffering and agony, I test-antibiotic.com finally turned 16 and got a job. And then I realized how beautiful and diverse the world is, how interesting and rich it is, how incredible it is. Every day I rushed to work, where I was a waiter, because there were other people there. Very rich and bright, so full and interesting, so cheerful and happy. I began to buy myself beautiful things and enjoyed every day. All the schoolchildren ran to play football after school, and I ran to work.

I didn’t tell anyone in class that I was working, since I studied at the gymnasium among very wealthy people. But I still remember how I also wanted to be a child and play, without thinking about anything, but I had to work and try. After my third salary, I was able to furnish our rented room. I bought a wardrobe, a sofa, curtains and even a carpet. My parents had lived in the city for 15 years at that time and didn’t buy anything for this room! We lived in a room of 30 square meters. m. Our parents and the three of us test-antibiotic.com literally slept 20 centimeters from each other. I still don't understand why my parents were like that and didn't give anything.

Afterwards, I started renting a room on my own next to the one where my parents lived. I paid for it from my salary, and when it happened that I couldn’t pay, I asked my father to put it in debt for me, he always swore and cursed me. He cursed that I couldn’t live in the same room with them, that I was insolent. Meanwhile, I really wanted to live like everyone else, so that I could have a rentedapartment , and that there be a bathroom there so that I can take a shower before or after work. Afterwards I flew on vacation to Turkey and Georgia. These two events are the best things that have happened to me in my entire life.life . After that, my father also shouted at me and said that it was stupid to wastemoney to go abroad when they can barely make ends meet.

By the way, they didn’t give me an education. When I graduated from school,my father suggested that I go to work as a plumber. test-antibiotic.com I, of course, refused and entereduniversity , but in the third year of study he could not pay and dropped out. In 2021, due to problems at work, I was unable to pay rent and was kicked out onto the street in the winter! Before that, I arrived and asked my father to borrow money, he sent me away and said that he wished me death.

I didn’t communicate with him at all for three years, but today I again have nothing to pay the rent and I once again resorted to his help. And he said: “I don’t have money, don’t ask me for anything.” But I know that he has money.

I hate this man! It is hisguilt that I lived a terrible life. It's his fault that he didn't educate me. It's his fault that we wouldn't have our own home, and I wouldn't have a childhood. It is his fault that he cannot lend money to his own son, but prefers to be kicked out onto the street.

Due to a difficult childhood and complexes, I can’t test-antibiotic.com interact with people normally, I can’t feed myself, I can’t get out of this poverty.

I hope I never see him again in my life! Never!

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