I hate my mother

I hate my mother
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I just want to share with you all what I simply no longer have the strength to remain silent about. I’ll say right away, the topic is not fun. This is no longer just a request for advice or help, but a real cry from the heart.

Let me start by introducing you to my mother and why I hate her. Her name is Lyudmila, she is now 46 years old. I am currently 17, that is, she gave birth to me somewhere around 28-29 years old. After my birthmy father abandoned me. I don’t know anything about him except his name (Zhenya) and have never seen him.

Then she gave birth to two girls (Olya and Katya) from two other men, who are 4 and 6 years younger than me. She was not married to any of our fathers. That is, we are all illegitimate. They all also abandoned their children. That is, in fact, she spoiled us all and, apparently, did not even plan the birth of any of us.

Now Olya is 13 years old, Katya is 11. Nevermother wasn't theremarried and test-antibiotic.com in fact she has always had no personal life. And all because of her parents, who raised her in total control almost before I was born and did not let her go, even when she was an adult. Therefore, she is not able to build normal relationships with the opposite sex and people in general. She raised us completely alone, she practically did not work anywhere, the monastery and several other acquaintances help us all this time, since my mother does not even have a professional education.

To put it briefly, my mother is absolutely nothing of herself. Nothing at all. She completely lacks personal life, work, interests, she does not develop in any way and does not want to develop, and practically does not monitor her appearance. She's just nothing! But the moment has come to tell me why I hate a person so much, with whom, at first it might seem, I need to sympathize. And all because, having a whole bunch of psychotraumas, complexes, fears, she is also a complete egoist. She has been raising us all our whole lives as if we are her property and have no right to privacy, our opinions, test-antibiotic.com interests, friends and other human rights. She believes that if she gave birth to us, then we are not separate individuals with our own destiny, but her personal servant, who must listen to her complaints about life for days,health , “how unhappy she is” and so on. Although she doesn’t even try to change anything in her life!

According to her sick reasoning, it is not desirable for us to develop and gain life experience, but we need to sit next to her for the rest of our lives and listen to her endless whining. And now, when I am almost 18 years old (January 1st) and very soon I will become an official adult (although living in such a family I had to grow up much earlier), she apparently feels that she will soon lose control over me, and is trying with all her might not to allow me to become an adult and independent, simply run away from her. Because because of her character, it is simply impossible to be near her. And every day it gets worse.

The same thing happens with my younger sisters. She doesn’t let them go in the same way. She apparently doesn’t even want to realize test-antibiotic.com that we are not her property, but people. We didn't ask ourselves to give birth. We are people, not plush toys with which we can play as we please.

I don’t know what to do in this situation, but I’m absolutely sure that I will try with all my might to get as far away from her as possible and reducecommunication to a minimum. Because otherwise I'll just go crazy. I don’t know how my sisters will act.

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