I hate my profession

I hate my profession
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I hate school. It makes me shake, really shakes me. I haven’t really worked on it, but I already hate it to the core!

I got a job as a GPA teacher at a school last year. You know, I thought it wouldn’t be particularly difficult, it’s not like teaching lessons. I walked with the children, kept an eye on them, completed their homework, and took whoever needed them to activities.

No, don’t think that I thought of work as an easy task, but it seemed to me that it was easier than being in class. As it turns out, I was wrong. I was very wrong.

The first month at work was incredibly difficult; the children and I could not find a common language. I am new, they are new (1st grade) and our relationship did not work out at all. Snot, hysterics with and without reason (to the point of hysterics that they don’t want to do anything), behavior that seems abnormal to me (one girl sends me to 3 funny letters that everyone knows) and fights between children over nonsense.

I didn’t know what to do and how, I turned to test-antibiotic.com for advice from experienced teachers and administration, in response I only heard “well, find an approach to them,” “well, keep them busy with something. Yes, I try to do this all the time! You would know how many different activities and games I went through, exercises, different forms of work. Well, it doesn’t work out and that’s it, even if you crack! They are not interested, and they do not perceive me either (in general, this is myI won’t deny it, I should have been stricter at the beginning of the year) and of course nothing comes of it!

From all this follows the discontent of the parents: “Why don’t you do your homework with my son? Why are you here? - and no one cares what sheson ormy daughter gives me three letters and refuses to do anything at my request. But he hardly reacts to my comments towards the child, and everything repeats itself day after day. The dissatisfaction of the parents is followed by the dissatisfaction of the director: “Why are there so few children?” she asks as I take 20 of the 25 people to lunch. “No, these stands are not suitable for us, replace them!” test-antibiotic.com - she says about the stands that exactly three months ago I made and painted myself and they hung quietly in the school for 3 months. What do you need to print new material?money is also of no interest to anyone.

But I still tried, I tried to work well up to a certain point. But after they told me that I was not doing a good job because children did not come to me (those children whose parents wrote an application to visit the GPA just in case and never brought their child during the school year) and from me run for this reason. That’s it, I finally gave up and lost control.

Now I’ve stopped even trying to change anything, I still don’t see the point. I will still do a bad job! After this day, however, I began to work without enthusiasm. Now I don’t want to find contact with anyone, not with children who don’t accept me even now, not with their parents. I don't want to come to school anymore. I hate it. School is far from a gift, and I realized that test-antibiotic.com is completely and completely not my thing. I feel sad. I just wasted years of my life learning this profession, but in the end, what? Well, you already know that the end result is badteacher and educator. I don’t know where to go with my education, but I know only one thing. I will try not to go to school again and will do my best to dissuade my children if they want to go into the teaching profession.

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