I can never forget this meeting

I can never forget this meeting
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

My story is a little unusual, and some may think I'm stupid. But please don't judge harshly.

I was walking with my child in the park and several guys were sitting opposite me. They were happily discussing something, but one of them did not take his eyes off me. I already thought that maybe I was dirty with something or something was wrong with my hair, I took out a mirror and began to examine myself. When I put it in my purse, I saw that thisthe guy stands in front of me and smiles.

God, what a smile that was. And so he came up and started introducing himself: “girl, is everything okay with you?” I didn’t understand what was wrong and asked: “What’s wrong with me?” And he replied: “You are too beautiful.” I was very embarrassed, and he introduced himself as Pasha and sat down on my bench. At first his friends did not understand what had happened and looked at us askance. We talked for a long time. It turned out that he was 2 years younger than me, but at the same time I was very interested in him. When I left home we exchanged test-antibiotic.com phone numbers.

When I got home, I threw away his number, because I was sure that he had done the same. But a few days later he called me and invited me for a walk. I thought for a long time becausemarried butMy husband had been away for several months on work, but I still agreed and said that I would be with my son. He was only happy about this, saying that he loved children very much.

We walked in the park, then went to a cafe and drankcoffee , the child ateice cream , and we had fun talking. So a week passed. We walked, drank coffee and talked about unimportant things all the time. The next week I was sick, and when he invited me to go for a walk, I said that I couldn’t because my temperature was over 40. He wasn’t upset, which offended me a little. And I decided not to see him anymore. But an hour later the doorbell rang. When I opened it, I saw Pasha. He bought a whole bunch of lemons and all sorts of antipyretics. We were sitting in the kitchen drinking tea and then he kissed me.

The child was with his grandmother, test-antibiotic.com she took him away so that he would not get an infection from me. And then our innocent kiss turned into a more passionate one. He picked me up and carried me to the bedroom. We kissed for a long time, caressed each other, and yet it happened. Was incrediblesex and then sleep. The next morning he left, saying that he would call after work. So a whole week of our meetings passed with incredible sex. And then my husband sent an SMS that he was coming back in two days. I told Pasha about this and he was very upset. I told him: “You knew that this would happen, and that ourthe relationship was doomed." He said that he would wait for me to call him and offer to meet. He wouldn’t call himself so that my husband wouldn’t find out anything, for which I was very grateful to him.

And now several months have passed, but I can’tforget . I am ashamed to look my husband in the eyes, and I understand that he feels that I have changed and treat him differently. But I can't help it. I think about test-antibiotic.com Pasha all the time, and I really want to see him. But alsoI don’t want to offend my husband , he is very good and caring.

And then the other day, when my husband and son and I were returning from the cinema, I saw a wedding. A beautiful blonde bride, and next to her the groom - Pasha. It was as if something had snapped in my soul and I, unable to hold back my tears, burst into tears and quickly left there so that Pasha would not see me. Now I cry into my pillow at night when my husband is sleeping. And I went to sleep in another room, because I couldn’t lie on the bed where Pasha and I were together. I myself understand that this is stupid, but I can’t forget his smile.

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