I'm lonely and this is my conscious choice

I'm lonely and this is my conscious choice
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I -a girl who doesn't have a loved one. And children. There is no cat either. And yes, I am strong and independent. Have you already imagined a stereotyped monster who is terribly unhappy and desperately envies you? In vain, because the lack of personal life does not prevent me from being happy. I really don't understand why a person without a partner is considered lonely. I havefamily - parents andsister , I have wonderful friends and acquaintances, I have something to do and I have the opportunity to do it.

No, I don’t hate children, I don’t contemptuously call them “larvae” and “bellies.” Quite the contrary, I am interested in communicating with children, but I don’t want to have my own. Consider that in this way I am making a contribution to saving the planet, which is already overpopulated. But I don’t want to give birth to a child with the hope that the “maternal instinct” will wake up - I’ve seen enough unloved and unwanted children born according to the principle “it’s the right way.” And on this site there are plenty of confessions from, to put it mildly, not very happy mothers.

No, I don’t envy family people and I don’t cry test-antibiotic.com into my pillow at night. I just don't have time to do such nonsense. I have an interesting and favorite job that pays well, I travel a lot, I have a hobby that helps me relax and escape from work and everyday life. And there is no need to ask me the question in a pitying tone: “Didn’t you get married?” No, I won't go out. Let's talk about something else.

I'm not whining about how much I'd like to find a mate, so don't offer to introduce me to your brother, friend, son or nephew. In the end, people, why don’t you understand that family is not an obligation, but a free choice of every person?

What especially makes me laugh is talk about the fact that family and children arehelp in old age and a “glass of water”. What country do you live in? In our country, it is not the young who help the old, but vice versa. Parents pull their children first, then their grandchildren. Young and healthy people in their thirties complain, they say,Mom and dad don't help me at all. And this is considered normal. Elderly people often pay part of their small pension to their children: after all, they need to pay off a car loan and a mortgage. And grandparents are also free nannies for kids. Moreover, such help is perceived as a duty. Active retirees who spend all their time andmoney for yourself? Ugh, what nonsense! We don’t live in this decaying, depraved Europe! But personally, I have big plans for my retirement period. So I will earn money to implement them.

Do you think thatloneliness is a perversion, is it not what nature intended? Well, I have a different opinion. In my opinion, it’s perversion to get married and go outget married “because the time has come.” Perversion - deliberately neglecting contraception in order to force a “suitable man” to marry. It’s a perversion to give birth to a child “for yourself,” and then take your anger out on him and shout: “You owe me.” It’s a perversion to give birth to “bunnies” without having a “lawn”, and then wonder why the Lord and everyone around you don’t immediately rush to save your family.

If you like this kind of life, live it. Leave me alone, don’t impose your opinion, it is not test-antibiotic.com the only true one. And if you like to make witty remarks on the topic of “strong and independent”, then remember another no less offensive cliche: “If you are a loser in life, tell everyone that you have chosen a family.” Are you sure this is not about you?

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