I refused to look after my mother-in-law

I refused to look after my mother-in-law
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

My name is Alesya. Not Olesya, but Alesya. This is the name he gave mefather _ He served in Belarus and there he fell in love with a girl with that name. But she got cancer and died. Dad married mom after 30 years, but couldn’tforget your Alesya. And when was she born?daughter , he immediately said that that would be my name. It was only later, before his death, that he asked me for forgiveness. He said that he did not know that children should not be named after tragically deceased loved ones.

The fact is that at the age of 16 I was diagnosed with a tumor in the mammary gland. Just like that unknown Belarusian Alesya. But more modern medicine saved me - surgery, 3 courses of chemotherapy, 3 months in the hospital. And now for 19 years I have been living a full life, and only a small scar on my right breast reminds me of this terrible disease.

I got married at the age of 20, while a medical student. We met my future husband at one of the parties. And a month later he proposed to become his wife. I agreed. That's just test-antibiotic.com itMom (father left the family a long time ago) was categorically against it. She has already found another bride for her son, who is “rich, no match for the starving woman.”

My parents are worthy and respected people. They gave us an apartment for our wedding. For the first grandson a car. Although we had already bought it ourselves. But they promised and did. On this jeepMy husband travels, but he gave ours to me. But, as the mother-in-law herself later let slip, how she had already agreed with the parents of another wealthy bride (an ugly classmatehusband ) thatthe son marries her.

My mother-in-law didn’t give me a penny for the wedding. She forbade his relatives from coming, and she herself showed up with the very girl she wanted as a daughter-in-law. Her name is Tanya, and she did not know what game she was drawn into. She took another daughter, her husband’s seven-year-old sister. She didn’t even say hello to anyone, but spat at my feet.

But my husband’s mother couldn’t ruin the wedding. Tanya, although not a beauty, immediately fell in love with one of my classmates and by midnight they had disappeared somewhere, and test-antibiotic.com then got married two months later. They live in perfect harmony and have given birth to three children. And the mother-in-law and her husband’s young sister sat alone at a large table set for relatives.

Next are oursthe relationship turned into hell. She spread gossip about me. I told my husband that our children were not born from him. At that time we had two sons the same age. My daughter was born when my mother-in-law and I stopped communicating altogether.

Because of her gossip, I lost a prestigious job. Many of my friends stopped communicating with me. After all, I turned out to be a drug addict, I have millions in loans, and lovers stand in line outside the door day and night.

But the husband is adequate. He knows his mother, just as he knows why his father ran away from her. He tried to reason with her, but it was useless. How many tears I shed because of this woman, only my pillow and the Lord God know.

I haven't visited her for many years. My husband's sister supports hermother and spreads various rumors about me.

Recently my mother-in-law had a stroke. She was half paralyzed. No one test-antibiotic.com wants to take care of her. My daughter has two kids and she told me that I should take care of my husband’s mother. I refused.

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