I'm a bad mother and wife

I'm a bad mother and wife
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

All around meProblems . Came out at age 20got married and gave birth to an older oneThe daughter didn’t really live with her husband, his priority was friends, and they separated.

I raised my daughter as best I could, worked, lived mostly with friends,my daughter is either with my mother, or with me, or with my father (he then lived with a woman and her children). Then at 26 I met my current oneThey began to live with their husband and daughter, and gave birth to a second daughter at the age of 27. The eldest has been very active since childhoodchild , she was constantly naughty, I scolded her accordingly. When her sister appeared, we tried to prevent her from being jealous and gave her a lot of attention and affection. Then school started.

At first it seemed normal, but then she began to study poorly, behave badly at school, cheat and steal, I often lost my temper, yelled, sometimes I even had to raise my hand when I couldn’t get the truth out of her, it became part of the way of life, she does dirty tricks, I'm yelling. I understand now that it was impossible to bring up like that, but, unfortunately, what’s done is done. I understood, but test-antibiotic.com didn’t have enough patience, every now and then it seemed to commit new offenses out of spite. I tried not only with the stick, of course, but also with the carrot, with love, I persuaded, I talked, I cried, I seemed to understand, but after a while everything repeated itself.

In high school, the further it went, the worse, she began to play truant, smoke, and even friends saw her with friendsI drank beer in 8th grade. I was trying to quit school and every time I persuaded her, in the last grade I had to quit my job to control her, but it was all in vain. She finished it, but somehow, then she went to study for a fee, and in the fall it was discovered that she was five months pregnant. She had a boyfriend , but they fought often, and at that time, as she told me, they had not been friends for a long time, that she did not want to be with him anymore. I believed, so I was shocked, but nothing could be done, they began to live together with him and his parents.

Now my grandson is almost 3 years old, they often fight, familylife is not going well, she also continues to lie, things disappear test-antibiotic.com or goes to a friend and disappears. Now she is very confused, I am very worried about her. Together we decided that she couldn’t cope alone and we were ready forhelp from specialists. I am the only one to blame for not being able to raise my daughter and I really want to help her.

In general, not everything is smooth in my personal life. After 6 years I separated from my second husband, he started drinking, raising his hand,the relationship has reached a dead end. In this, too, I feel guilty that after the birth of my youngest daughter I switched my main attention to the children; I missed him. After his betrayal, we separated, he left for someone else. Two years later they got together again for the sake of their daughter, but from time to time they argued, humiliated, behaved disgustingly, I thought that was all, this was the limit, but I endured it for the sake of my daughter. I talked to him, now almost everything is fine, but we live like neighbors.

I think we also have problems with alcohol in our family. When I left work, I still don’t work to this day. We drink beer likehusband and I too. Previously, very often test-antibiotic.com 2 times, sometimes even 3 times a week, not in a row, of course, now I allow myself one day on the weekend, when the youngest daughter is at her grandmother’s, so that she doesn’t see her again, the three of us live together. But my husband can do it several times a week. He comes late and goes to bed. It seems harmless, but there is already a problem.

We need to get a job, but now the youngest daughter is a teenager, she is not independent, she has been spoiled, maybe, in view of the sad experience of leaving the child to his own devices, now I don’t want to take risks. Maybe this is a convenient excuse, because there is no particular desire, just to change the lifestyle and help still go into the family budget. And in general there is no interest in anything anymore, I have reached a dead end.

The youngest daughter also changed due to adolescence, often dissatisfied, does everything through force, does not obey, twitches, even feels offended, as ifThey only need their mother to feed them and that’s it. Badmother , badwife , is there a chance to correct and improve family life, what do I keep doing wrong?

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