I help children, and matchmakers come to me to relax for free

I help children, and matchmakers come to me to relax for free
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

Everyone calls me greedy, even my family. None of them understand what it means to make moneymoney in season. I really want to find support from those who know how penny goes from penny to penny, know the value of money and can understand me. After all, everything is not as simple as it seems at first glance. If there are kind comments, I will definitely read them to my family and friends, who are now simply tormenting me with their criticism.

I have a house by the sea, which I inherited from my grandmother, although she already has a granddaughter. I invested so much into it that no one can imagine such a volume of work and money invested. From the very beginning she ennobled it, whitewashed it, furnished it with her own hands, andmy husband built extensions and a garden plot.

Today it is a house with three rooms, front and back verandas, and a wide attic. There are also two small guest houses on the site. There is a room with beds and wardrobes and dressing rooms (table, chairs and tiles). We built everything ourselves. There is even a change house - well, it’s for extreme people, just to sleep. Previously, all this test-antibiotic.com did not exist, but there was only an old house and a huge vegetable garden.

It is clear that as soon as the summer season begins, all the premises are filled to capacity. Everything costs different prices, but it brings in a lot of money over the course of the season. Plus, some vacationers ask for full board and pay me for meals so as not to cook themselves.

I still have a plan from the winter about who will come and when, and how long they will stay. Everything is constantly full. Even whenWhen my daughter and son-in-law came to visit us, they set up a tent in the garden, and my husband and I took their baby into our room. They understood that later this money, collected from the residents, would go to them. Not all, of course, but also a considerable part. And so every year.

Here, about a week ago, my daughter called me: “Mom, we won’t come this year, it’s not working out, but my in-laws will come instead of us. They really want to go to the sea; they haven’t gone anywhere for more than 10 years. They really ask for you. Please receive them properly, find a room. Just don’t test-antibiotic.com try to take money from them for housing. They are still relatives, and besides, they are pensioners, not rich!”

So I sat down. They are asking, but what should I do now? Especially during the hottest time - in the second half of August! How can you refuse someone now? True, I still have a free back veranda at that time (the family refused to go because of the pandemic), but the “savages” almost approachedevery day and ask if there are places to stay?

Who are these matchmakers for me? Complete strangers. My husband and I saw them only once, when we went to our daughter’s wedding. Apart from a pension, they have only one income - the matchmaker works as a watchman. It’s clear that there’s nothing to take from them, and we won’t ask our daughter and son-in-law for their accommodation; we send money to our granddaughter ourselves.

Until mid-autumn we are still somehow spinning, well, I do a lot of seaming, and that’s what we live on until April-May. This year the season started late; we suffered losses due to the pandemic. How to host strangers without paying? She refused.


But now I’ve become greedy for everyone. For my daughter, for neighbors and friends, and even forhusband . I understand that he doesn’t mind having a drink with his matchmaker, so he would be glad for their arrival. I don't know what to do now. Accept matchmakers, be good to everyone and remain without income, or stick to your line? I think the second would be correct. But how can you justify yourself to your family?

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