I realized that my boyfriend will not be able to support his family

I realized that my boyfriend will not be able to support his family
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

We started dating when we were students; we had little money then and in the cafe everyone paid for themselves. My parents helped me a little financially, and so I insisted on this myself, and Vadim did not object. Now we both work, but everything remains the same; he is still in no hurry to pay for me either in a cafe or in a movie. Then I did not pay attention to this, as well as to the fact that Vadim only once gave me flowers onbirthday , and then only one rose. He said that it was thrown to the windmoney will wither tomorrow, but it’s better to buy something useful. What in his understanding seems useful, I don’t know, because he never gave me anything else.

And lately he’s been asking me to lend him money, allegedly his salary is being delayed. This has been going on for about a year now, and as far as I understand, he is not going to give it to me. All excuses, either tomorrow or the day after tomorrow. When I already became with himto swear and demand to repay the debt, Vadim told test-antibiotic.com that he could not yet, and that he still had long-standing debts that he must pay off first. He has nowhere to get money, his salary is small, and his parents didn’t help him even when he was studying, and now they expect help from him, because he works. But they somehow don’t think about the fact that their son needs to start a family, and this requires money.

Previously, we planned that after graduation we would immediately get married, but enough time has passed, and Vadim not only does not propose to me, but does not even touch on this topic. Yes, I myself am no longer sure what I want for him.I’m getting married , I’m just sorry for wasting my time. Maybe if everything had been decided earlier, I could have arranged my life with someone else long agolife .

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