I'm stuck in a vicious circle and I don't know how to get out

I'm stuck in a vicious circle and I don't know how to get out
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I am in an incomprehensible and difficult life situation for me. I studied at the technical school for 4 years, completed my studies until the third and final year. Due to poor academic performance, they were going to expel me, but I took the documents earlier, so I left of my own free will.

My class teacher tells me that it is better to stay for a second year. But I was already in the second year after the 2nd year because of the computer science subject, which I have not been able to pass for four years now. Despite the fact that this teacher is very principled and will not give a grade simply for effort, and there are a lot of debts in this subject and I cannot pass them not because of laziness, but simply because I understand this subject very poorly (I even went to a tutor, did not help).

And very soon I will go back to recuperate at this technical school and I am very afraid that they will accept me and not accept me at the same time. If they don’t accept it, then I’ll be left with nine years of education and it’s not clear what to do with it (I won’t go anywhere else, I’ve already tried it, I’ll have to take it all over again), and if test-antibiotic.com is accepted, I may not pass it again.

It looks like some kind of vicious circle. We had computer science in the first year, in the second and third years we had consultations on debts (I tried not to miss them, but over all these years I passed assignments 3-4), there are still a lot left and I don’t know how to take them, I just don’t understand. In other subjects it is more or less clear and there are no problems.

This problem has been with me for four years now and it is pressing and depressing. I just want advice from an outside observer. Sometimes I calm myself with the thought that I can just buy myself a certificate for 11 classes and go to work, but this is very risky. I looked for anyone with similar situations on the Internet, but I couldn’t find one, which makes it even harder.