I had a fight with my girlfriend and all my friends

I had a fight with my girlfriend and all my friends
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

It all started six months ago when I decided to resumerelationship with an old friend. He gave a lot of gifts and paid a lot of attention. Spent a lot of money on it.

I am a student living on a scholarship and odd jobs. At that moment I became very attached to her, although I knew that she was running after someone else, but I thought it would pass after all, he was not my competition. But everything turned out to be not so simple, and behind my back she was already dating him, and I was sure that I was dating her. This lasted about 4-5 months.

One day I found out everything and was furious about it. I made an appointment with him. As a result, I was severely beaten and barely crawled home from the outskirts of the city. My friends have been telling me for a long time that it’s time to break up with her andforget , but I couldn't. In the end, I gathered my thoughts and told her everything. I couldn't imagine this for a long timeforgive , cried, humiliated. Along with all this, I got into an accident, crashed my car, sued for a long time, but still lost. I established a relationship test-antibiotic.com with an old friend who I like, she is an exmy good friend's girlfriend . But not everything is so smooth with her either.

Once, being very drunk, I did a not very flattering thing towards her, but I really didn’t want it to happen somehow, but three months later, many of our mutual friends found out about it, she was very offended , and I was burning with shame. As a result, he had a fight with everyone and was left alone, without friends and without girlfriends. Deleted everythingsocial networks . Depression set in after every unsuccessful incident, and on top of that, I was left without any money at all.

Now I'm alone and at the bottom of my life, I've lost everything I had. I stopped taking care of myself, I don’t shave, I don’t wash, I don’t do any housework. I don’t even have any desire to repair the car. Started drinkingevery day , I became nervous, irritable, I don’t communicate with anyone, I’m always silent. The only thing I know is that if I feel something, then I am alive! But this doesn't make it any easier.

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