I betrayed my family

I betrayed my family
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

Came outI married an older man, it happened, I don’t know how. I was stupid, I'm very sorry.

My husband first began to turn me against my cousins, then he turned to my grandmother. He began to get nervous when she came, closing the cabinets loudly, as if he was looking for something. Then he began to raise his voice in front of his grandmother, like supplies were running out quickly andwhere do I put the money ? To avoid another hassle, I started telling my grandmother that I wasn’t at home and would drop by myself, and that’s what I did.

I am a traitor, I betrayed my family. My grandmother once came and stood at the window of our house near the apple tree, knocking on the window, but I sat silently in the far corner and did not open the door, I still remember the departing silhouette of my grandmother, my dear little man. She’s gone, I’m very sad, I betrayed myself and my family to please my husband...

I want to leavehusband , I can'tforgive neither yourself nor him.

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