I'm used to being alone and I don't need anyone

I'm used to being alone and I don't need anyone
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I am 28 years old. I live alone with my daughter. Her husband died when she was six months old. I had to face many difficulties, but gradually everything got better. My daughter goes to kindergarten, I work, the work is normal, the salary is also good. We live separately in a small one-room apartment.

Very goodrelationship with my parents, we often visit them, go to the dacha. In my free time, I work with my child and also devote time to my self-development. There are plans forfuture .

But everyone around me says that I should arrange a personallife , find yourself a man, get outmarried a second time. But I don’t want to, because it’s already good for me. At first I thought about this too. Met meman one year after deathhusband , all so positive, fell in love, proposed marriage, promised mountains of gold. I believed him, we started living together, naturally, since he doesn’t have a separate home. And then it turned out that his words were empty, he was going to live as usual, he didn’t bring in any money, although he earned money, he only gave for his own food, he counted every penny.

I got sick and test-antibiotic.com didn’t have money forHe didn’t give me treatment ; I had to ask my parents. After that, I asked him to pack his things and didn’t regret it at all, didn’t shed a tear. I began to live calmly and found a lot of advantages. Nobody chases my daughter around, doesn’t tell her that she’s someone else’s child, doesn’t ask me to take her to her grandparents for a “longer stay.” My apartment is small, it’s not comfortable for three people. There is no need to wait for anyone in the middle of the night and feel the fumes until the morning. I'm not saying that all men are like this, but apparently I don't come across others. And I just don’t want to enter into a relationship again, hope, experience all this.

Of course, public opinion sometimes exerts unpleasant pressure. Everyone considers me inferior and unhappy. But it seems personal to meEveryone has their own happiness . I know examples of women who are unhappymarried and those who live quite well alone. They say it’s difficult in the house without a man. I learned to do a lot myself, and if I can’t, you can always hire, the main thing is that there aremoney . Sometimes it's sad thatdaughter grows up without a father. But it’s unlikely that someone else’s uncle will want and test-antibiotic.com can replace her father, rather the opposite.

This is the story of my life. I just wanted to share my thoughts and feelings. I don't know if anyone will understand me or not. I don't know if I'm right? Maybe it's just selfishness and unwillingness to deprive oneself of comfort?

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