I ruined my own marriage

I ruined my own marriage
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I have a very difficult situation in my family. My husband wants a divorce and doesn’t see us together anymore. The reason for everything is my mistakes that I made in our relationship.

I'm atmy husband's first in every sense. He loved me madly. He simply idolized and idealized. He's not my first. Before him there were the first unlucky onesrelationship _

The former young man cheated, left and left for someone else. I loved him very much, so the breakup was a real tragedy for me. My husband appeared in my life some time after my first relationship.

Unfortunately, at first he became only a help and salvation for me. I didn’t love my husband then. In the second relationship, I subconsciously took revenge for all thatpain that passed in past relationships. Except she hurt her husband, not her ex.guy .

My husband suffered to the fullest. I was jealous, and scandalized, and showed character and coldness. If in the first relationship I loved to bits and was afraid to say a word, then in the second I decided that no one would ever do that to me again.

I test-antibiotic.com began to show character, to hit my husband in the heart and soul. She didn’t let me get to you until the end, she manipulated and nagged. There were a lot of bad things. After just a year of dating, I fell in love with my husband, truly fell in love. I began to understand that the way I acted was impossible. The husband will leave and will not tolerate it.

I began to change. Relationships have changed for the better. We both reached out to each other, we both became happier, since the relationship and feelings were already mutual. They got married, gave birth to a son, and it would seemhappiness will not end. But they startedBoth had problems with money and work, and quarrels began again.

But this timeMy husband remembered absolutely everything for me. He cannot forgive me for my past. On top of everything elsea friend added fuel to the fire. We celebrated the New Year , and after drinking, she told me what kind of relationship I had with my ex. How I ran after him like a dog.

My husband doesn't believe my words. Doesn't believe in my feelings and mylove . Can notforgive all past grievances. He wants a divorce. I don't want a divorce test-antibiotic.com. I love my husband and am trying to fix everything. But he doesn’t believe it and doesn’t let her come to him. What to do?

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