I created these problems for myself.

I created these problems for myself.
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I am 26 years old, I studied well at school, I graduated from the university in Moscow. While still a student, she became pregnant and leftmarried . At 19 years old.

The first years are good.my husband earned, provided for me. Then I got acquainted with a book about esoteric teachings and rushed.

My goals have found me. And the first one waslover . I met him at massage courses, and the idea came up to make money with massage. Heremy love offered to go to work in the travel agency of his ex-wife. And there I also only drank tea, the voice whispered, fu, office work is not mine. So another two weeks passed. The question of work has not yet arisen. I was kind of looking for myself. And then I decided to take seamstress courses, but after spending two weeks at the factory, I ran away, because. everyone started asking questions: “Do you like it?”. An inner voice told me, of course, I don’t like it, I understand it is stupid and stupid, but this is reality!

Then a wave came - in each company for one day, in different areas, the bank did not pass an interview at all. Thoughts were spinning about test-antibiotic.com goals (to become a singer), I took guitar courses, but I never bought or mastered the guitar. Then a store, then trips to Moscow, and there one day I ran away, because it was scary, I was there, selling something (feeling awkward). This went on for two years. And already with a terrible pain in my stomach, I came home and just lay all day and was afraid! Everyone shouted at me, I quarreled with my mother and her man, calling him and my brain began to cover with terrible pressure. Can you imagine what it could be? I do not believe myself, I do not believe that this is happening to me.

So, I got all my words back! Unable to stand it, I went with terrible pain to work in a kindergarten, as a nanny (and in childhood, when Imom gavemoney for a math tutor, I said that I don’t need math, I’ll go to work as a cleaner). And so it happened. In the kindergarten, they didn’t put me in as a junior teacher (but sent me to wash the pool) and accompany the children to the group. And then hell began. I needed test-antibiotic.com to yell at them to obey, and I was covered with burning pain, when I washed the floor it seemed to me that I was about to fall, spasms in my body and a terrible cough began. So I ran away from work every other day for half a day and bought myself sweets, I really wanted sweets.

The next day I didn’t want to go to work, I was scared that I wouldn’t make it, I’d fall and didn’t drive, and so on every other day, as soon as I started thinking about the money that I don’t have to pass a medical examination (it turns out I need this for work), I start to beat. While I was traveling back and forth to Moscow, I lost my diploma, which I needed at work. Bottom line: I realize that I myself am to blame for all my troubles, but no one believes me, because. at the thought of money, it starts to beat me so that I seem to be stuck with needles.

After all, now I’m blind and blind to work, I’m not capable, but no one will believe me. I'm scared to start thinking about the money I could have made by lying at home for almost 3 years of test-antibiotic.com. The people around are shocked. My daughter copies me, she is 6 years old, I am only 26.

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