I am happy that my husband forgave me for cheating

I am happy that my husband forgave me for cheating
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

Our characters and my husband are absolutely different: he is calm, balanced, connoisseur of the family hearth, fidelity, devotion. He loved me very much and was ready to break into a cake for me. But I am an emotional person, with a sharp and quick-tempered character. Naturally, I always wanted emotions. Here I found them.

I met a selfish and narcissist just like me. Ideal appearance, figure, style, clothes. I very quickly "fell for" all this, we became lovers. But it so happened that I had to go to work abroad in the midst of my double life. The husband found out. He felt my distance and cold, and began to search. And my beautifulthe lover with whom I wanted to stay forever acted like a complete coward. Not only did he put all the blame on me (when clarifying with my husband), he also failed to explain himself, he simply disappeared.

Weeks passed before I came to my senses. I was disgusted and disgusted, I was devastated. But over time myrelations with her husband began to improve. He came to visit me abroad, we spent test-antibiotic.com a fabulous weekend, after which we returned to our home country together.

I am immensely grateful to the Universe and my Guardian Angel for saving me from the worst mistake in my life. Otherwise, I have no idea what would happen to me now.

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