I'm happy that I can communicate with my mother again

I'm happy that I can communicate with my mother again
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

When I was 10 years old and my brother was 9, our parents divorced. It turned out that we stayed to live with dad. Mom wanted to take us, but dad didn’t allow it. Himmoney , connections. So we stayed to live with dad and grandma. At every opportunity my grandmother reproached me for the fact that myMom is a walking woman, and when I grow up, I will follow in her footsteps. I was hurt and offended by this.

I remember how my motherfriends came to my class to say that my mother was calling and wanted to talk to me. We talked to her for a short time, and she always asked me not to talk about it at home. But minethe family found out about every call and over time I completely stopped communicating with my mother.

Every day at home there were conversations about my mother, how ungrateful and bad she was. And I so wanted to see her, to protect her somehow. I remember that when she called dad, they first talked about money, and then they startedswear . I really wanted to get her number from my dad and call test-antibiotic.com, but he strictly forbade it. Although she paid alimony for us and at least occasionally sent gifts.

12 years have passed. That's how dad got married. Grandma died, I leftmarried _ And only after that I dared to talk to my dad about my mom. Mymy husband convinced him to give me her number and let me talk to her. Hearing a positive answer, I was incredibly happy that I would finally hear from my mother and find out how she was. When I got home, I immediately called her. Hearing her, I cried. It might have been that it would not have been my mother, but I felt her voice in my heart. I turned it off. She then called me 10 times. When I picked up the phone, I could only say one thing: “mom.” She recognized me, was glad and happy, cried with me. I asked about my brother, how he was, how was I able to call her? I couldn't believe my dad gave me her number. For all 12 years she asked him about it, but he was against it.

My mother started calling me many times a day, inviting test-antibiotic.com to visit me, my husband and my brother. I gave her my brother's number. They also started communicating. We were so happy. Except for dad. He was offended by me, but tried not to show it. Seeing this, I was afraid to tell him that we wanted to go to my mother. But again my husband supported me and talked to my dad about it. Dad didn't let my brother in. But my husband and I went. Mom lived very far away, almost 1300 km from us. She said they have their ownapartment , and we can stay with them as long as we want, but my husband was against it and wanted to rent an apartment for us for a month. But my mother and her husband rented an apartment for us themselves. They greeted us very well. Mom was as good as ever. Her husband is also a very nice, friendly person. I also have a brother who is only 9 years old. He looks a lot like his father. We spent almost a month with them, her husband cooked his national dishes, and became friends with my husband.

During this test-antibiotic.com time, I learned that because of my grandmother, my dad did not allow me to communicate with her. That it all started with her. That after the divorce, when mom and dad decided to get together for our sake, my grandmother kicked her out with a scandal, saying that she would not let her be the mistress of the house again. But my mother says that she is immensely grateful to her grandmother and father for raising us. My dad hid from us that my mom sent dad a decent amount of money for my wedding. He hid a lot of things regarding his mother. But this is not the most important thing. And the main thing is that I found not only my mother, but also my brother and friend (my mother’s husband). I'm very happy for her that she's happy. She and her husband are very suitable for each other both in appearance and in character. The way they look at each other, the way he takes care of his mother and brother. They live in their own little world, which mom calls “my paradise.” I would really like for dad to find hishappiness , I would be as happy as my mother.

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