I'm happy that I have such a husband

I'm happy that I have such a husband
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

Having been on this site for quite a long time, I have read a lot of life stories. And finally I decided to tell my story.

Imarried _ I haveson Azamatik andmy husband Ruslan, whom I love madly, more than myself, more than my life. He is very dear to me. Ruslan and mineMom is the only people I can trust more than myself. He pulled me out of depression, supported me and was there when no one was there, when I was left alone with my problems.

After a short family life with my first husband, I gave up on myself. I decided that all men are the same, and it is useless to build with anyonerelationship _ In our relationship with him, the shadow of his wife was always present, and she herself often made itself felt. Couldcall him every day , just to find out how he is doing, whether he has eaten. After all, next to him is a 20-year-old “young girl” and she could not give him proper care. At that time he was 29 years old. He, too, at every opportunity, could compare me test-antibiotic.com with her - my cooking, my clothing style, my behavior. The last straw was that he took it and left to help her on the day when we celebrated the anniversary of our acquaintance. And despite the fact that he arrived with flowers and a gift, a scandal was inevitable. We had a big fight and I returned to my parents.

Time passed. I reinstated myself at the university (part-time) and still worked. The pain gradually dulled, but every time I saw him, I trembled. All his words and actions were remembered. And he, in turn, did not lose hope. From time to time, he made himself known. Closer to summer, I decided to go to my mother’s relatives and unwind. I used to disappear from them every summer. And there I met Ruslan. He was my cousin's friend. My brother was once stabbed during a fight. Seeing that he was bleeding, the instigators of the fight, out of fear, left him to die in one of the courtyards. Ruslan, returning home at that time, noticed him, called an ambulance and thereby saved test-antibiotic.com. Since then they have been friends.

I had a great time there. Calm environment and no ex in my lifemy husband had a positive influence on me. I stopped being irritable and crying with or without reason. Ruslan often visited his uncle. And we all had a wonderful time together on hot summer evenings. But the month was ending, and my vacation from work was coming to an end. I had to leave. He was aware of this. One evening, he asked me to give him some time, said that he wanted to talk to me. We went out and sat down on a bench near the house. It was noticeable that he was excited. It took him a long time to start. The last one was: “It’s probably stupid to fall in love with a person you’ve only known for a month. But I want you to know that you are very dear to me, I don’t want to lose you. It feels like we’ve known each other all our lives.” I thought it was worth telling him, as it is, that I am not going to build a relationship with anyone anymore and dot all the i's. He clearly did not expect such an answer and test-antibiotic.com was angry that she compared him to that ex-husband. As a result, we had a fight and went home. I didn’t see him for two days, and on the third day I went back home.

A shock awaited me at home; my dad was diagnosed with diabetes. He owned 2 auto parts stores, and one day while helping unload merchandise there, he injured himself. It looked like a minor scratch, but they couldn’t stop the bleeding. Mom hid all this from me so that I would not worry. When I arrived, he was in the hospital. When I saw him, I burst into tears. Maybe I felt that he would soon be gone, maybe because I was not used to seeing him in the hospital room as a patient. After two weeks he was discharged, but was often under the supervision of doctors and followed a diet. It seemed to me that he was getting better.

Everything went as usual. I worked, met with friends, had a great time. Coming home one day, my mother greeted me with the news that we had guests. Entering the kitchen, I saw my brother and... Ruslana. My surprise knew no bounds. test-antibiotic.com You can say I was happy. They said they came here in search of work. And if everything goes well, they will settle here, as my friend likes to put it.brother _ Dad invited them to stay with us as long as needed, but Ruslan flatly refused, citing the fact that they had found and agreed on an apartment before arriving. We stayed up late. He asked for forgiveness for our last meeting and admitted that he had come for me. He asked me not to be so categorical. This time I just remained silent and smiled. Two days later they moved into an apartment and soon got jobs. Dad took my brother to one of the stores, and Ruslan got a job at a travel agency.

Another half a year passed like this. All this time Ruslan was nearby. He met and saw me off after work. I could meet you at the entrance in the morning withcoffee , although I don’t leave the house without drinking coffee. I still kept my distance and said that he was like a friend to me, but this did not stop him from sometimes coming to me with a bouquet of wildflowers, which I simply adore. We chatted about everything. I felt calm and warm with him, but nothing more. I didn’t feel love for him at that moment. There was no peace from my ex-husband either. He could come to my work drunk. It all started with apologies and ended with scandals and insults. After each of his visits, I wanted to fall into the ground.

Time passed, and one day my brother announced that he was leaving. He was not used to working hard, and working 12 hours a day was tantamount to hard labor for him. Ruslan was still working. They became good friends with dad. Dad traveled less often on business and tried to solve everything at home. He often entrusted Ruslan with large purchases, and he coped with them with a bang. One unfortunate day, my ex-husband came to work again. A scandal was brewing. I have never received so much aggression and hatred directed at me. Unable to restrain myself and despite my official position, I snapped. After all, I always try to restrain myself until the last moment. At the end, security came and test-antibiotic.com took him away. Not even five minutes pass before I see Ruslan with flowers in the hall. And like crazy, I take out all my anger on him. He was trying to explain something indistinctly to me, but I couldn’t hear him anymore. And after I threw his bouquet into the trash bin, he turned around and left, saying that I wouldn’t see him again. These words made me wildly scared. I realized that I didn’t want to lose this person. I ran out after him. He stood on the street and nervously smoked. Then my first words weredeclaration of love.

After that we started dating. He wanted to do everything according to his customs, have a wedding, etc. My parents were very happy about this, which cannot be said about his family. And then the first circle of my hell began. Hismother andMy sister kept calling me all day and throwing slop at me. They shouted into the phone that he didn’t love me, that he was just having fun with me, etc., etc. It was insulting, of course, but their words meant nothing compared to his test-antibiotic.com attitude towards me and my loved ones. Lately he had been walking around nervous and puzzled. I knew that they were the reason. His family went to my uncle with a scandal. There was a lot of things, but that’s not the point. He realized that we would not have any wedding, and it was decided to arrange a small banquet. Everything went quietly and calmly. Dad gave us the keys to a cozy apartment. I was happy. Every day I fell in love with him more and more. The only thing that upset me was my dad's condition. And it so happened that a month after our wedding, dad passed away. His blood pressure rose, then he had a brain hemorrhage and the doctors were unable to save him. Diabetes probably played a role in this. And at the age of 48, my dad died.

This loss for me is incomparable to anything, just like thispain . I still don’t want to believe that my dad is gone. She cried from morning to night, my mother lay in complete depression. And if it weren’t for Ruslan and his support, I don’t know how I would have coped. I didn't want to eat or sleep. In addition, Ruslan’s relatives kept calling endlessly, begging him to come back, saying that I have enough men without him. He stopped answering their calls and they disowned him. He managed to go to his job and tried to do his dad's business. Soon we moved in with my mother; I couldn’t leave her alone in this state. But she was getting worse. And against the backdrop of such depression, she falls into a coma. The 8 days she stayed there seemed like an eternity to me. I was going crazy. I couldn't handle the loss of my mother. We spent days on end in the hospital. I was not alone, my Ruslan was nearby, as always. When I called my mother’s relatives (brother and 2 sisters) and informed them about what had happened, they, in turn, could not find money for travel to come. What stupidity.

But, thank God, my mother came to her senses. My happiness knew no bounds. I took care of her, monitored her test-antibiotic.com diet. I had to temporarily leave work. Dad's stores had to be closed. He couldn't cope and it was hard for him. I was glad that they were closed, everything there reminded me of dad. A month after my mother’s discharge, I found out thatpregnant _ After all the troubles and losses, it was like thishappiness for us is like a ray of light in a window. Mom gradually began to come to her senses. But headaches, blood pressure and memory loss haunt her to this day. On December 14, 2017, our Azamatik was born. And only after his birth Ruslan’s parents “forgave” us and “accepted” us.

Today I can say that I am happy. Next to me is my beloved mother, my Ruslan and Azamatik, but the absence of my father is like a black spot, like a lump in the throat.

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