I thought I had friends until I hit a streak of bad luck

I thought I had friends until I hit a streak of bad luck
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

A streak of bad luck came to me too. I don't consider myself an angel, but my shoulder or waistcoat was always ready for everyone. Also, the doors were open and it didn't matter what time it was. But my streak of bad luck came too.

I have a good job, I love it very much, suddenly the boss says that he has to close one store (I worked for 2 stores), the reason was a minus. But the minus arose because of the shift worker, a woman who sold to whomever she wanted, and whoever she didn't like, she could be rude. Complaints started coming in. Since I became the right hand in a year, naturally I suggested introducing rules that would not allow her to behave like that.

I was given carte blanche. I did a great job. In 5 days the store was revived, but the team did not like that I suddenly had to work at work. Well, I was fired. In my 34 years, I have changed several jobs. I worked at one for 7 years, at another for 2 years. But this one became my second home. I put my whole soul into it.

And then I found out what test-antibiotic.com isdepression . I have never felt so hurt. At the same time, my sisterHer husband's family also had trouble.My husband lost his job, we found out it was because of illegal substances. There should be acourt . They are facing 10 years.daughter 5 years old. I supported her as best I could, both morally and financially.

It so happened that I went to his trial alone. I do not justify him, but a person who has made a mistake should not be alone! He should know that someone needs him, then there is a chance that he will change. I went to his trial. There was also hisfather . They gave him a suspended sentence, the judge understood the situation. Confused! I said that we would all support him, and that's what we did.

My husband's sister , whom I loved and love, considered as my own sister, accused me in front of the whole family of having an affair with her husband. Of course, this is not true. Many will now say that I am lying, I understand. But it was a stab in the back. She accused everyone of having an affair with him, well, that's how it isjealousy , but I never thought that this would touch me test-antibiotic.com. Well, as I wrote earlier, I was also fired.

At first, to be honest, I didn't believe that everything could happen at once. I miss her very much, and my niece even more. I tried to talk to her and convince her, even my husband tried to reason with his sister, but all in vain. I stopped communicating with my husband andmother . I started trying to find a job, but my emotions wouldn't let me think objectively. My husband told me to take a little rest, and I started going with him (he delivers dental instruments). He's been working there for a long time. He loves his job. I've known his boss for a long time and we're on good terms.

I decided that time would pass and everything would get better, but it was not so, I even want to laugh. We had friends who were neighbors. The neighbor was the uncle of my husband's boss. But he also started working there for him. For a whole year I tried to get my wife a job there as a manager. Four years ago, we were like onefamily . It was hard for them, we naturally helped them financially in everything. But then our financial situation changed, and theirs improved. test-antibiotic.com They simply threw us out of their lives as unnecessary. For two years they did not notice us. But my husband and I got back on our feet. Then they came, repented, asked for forgiveness (it was just that they were in financial trouble). Of course, we hugged and forgave them.

Now the neighbor managed to get his wife a job there. Since my husband has been working there for a long time, I can do everything and know everything, for more than a year in the evenings I collected orders for clinics as inhelp is simple. Two weeks my dear neighbor anda friend works there. They wanted to hire me there too. Our friend and husband contributed to this, and the boss himself is not against it. He knows that I can do everything. But my friend was scared. She can’t do it at all. And she spread such gossip that my husband was being fired. But evenThe neighbor is shocked by his wife's actions.

Another blow to my back from a loved one. My husband stayed at home for 2 days, and all work stopped. He was returned to work on the condition that I would not show up there, and I would not travel with him either test-antibiotic.com.

What should I do?

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