I am very angry with my parents

I am very angry with my parents
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I have a similar situation as in this story. Since childhood, I grew up in a complete family in a provincial village, where I had no peers with whom I could communicate, except perhaps at school in a neighboring village.

MyFather is essentially a good person, but when he drank, he went on binges for weeks, or even months. As a result, I was mainly raised by my eldestsister andmy mother and father, even when he was sober, did not try to raise me. I grew up mostly alone, on my own, in my own “small world.” Then we moved to a completely different village. There I found several friends, but I didn’t even have short relationships with girls.relationships , everything ended without beginning.

A few years later, the mother died. My father never directed me in the right direction, and then I myself aggravated my situation by the fact that instead of communicating with girls, “making my way” in society, I decided to dedicate mylife for work and my hobby, I distanced myself from people and wanted test-antibiotic.com to become a master of my craft. I graduated from college and acquired certain skills in my work. And what happens: at some point I realized that professional skills are not the most important thing in life. I decided to take care of my own life, but there’s a catch - after all, I still don’t know how to communicate with girls properly, and all because I lived almost separately from civilization, and that I was not raised as it should be (one might say not at all).

Now I’m 22, I live separately, I work. I feel bad for the way they raised me, I’m even angry at them. But I understand that this anger is useless and, in fact, it’s not worth it. Yes, and they treat me well, and before that they also fed me. But still I can’t communicate with them normally because of my resentment and misunderstanding, so I try to simply bring them togethercommunication with them to a minimum and even if it is selfish, but focus only on your own life and help them if necessary.

Let's return to the topic with girls. Now for me the main thing in life, like all normal test-antibiotic.com guys, is to find a girl and start a family in the future. Unfortunately, there are very few good, decent, and even more so faithful girls. But this does not mean that we should give up on this. If you want to live a normal life, if you need this life, you should not spare time and effort for this. Make mistakes, learn from your own and from others. As they say, life is a constant struggle, constant difficulties. And those who are not afraid of these difficulties will not worry that, for example, they will be abandoned sooner or latergirl , maybe she herself will change for the better with such a person, and if she leaves, then there is no need to be sad and torment yourself because of her, she doesn’t deserve it, you need to look for another.

Gaps in communication experience can, of course, be filled from books and the Internet, and the most important thing is not to lose heart and communicate with people as often as possible, communicate with girls. Maybe I'm a contradictory person, but even though I despise most girls for the way they behave, I'm always glad to see them, test-antibiotic.com there is good in them. Once you've been alone, you realize thatbetrayal of the belovedgirls , this is not the worst thing, it’s worse if it never exists. And it’s not a fact that everything will be sad.

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