I sleep with married women

I sleep with married women
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I have never had any problems with the opposite sex. Girls always paid special attention to me. I take care of myself, nature has blessed me with a pleasant appearance, I am not stupid and witty, I earn good money. For many women, I am an excellent candidate for a husband, which they constantly tell me openly. But I’m not interested in starting a family with any of them.

I have one weakness: I prefer to sleep with married women. It is also possible with girls who have been dating their boyfriends for a long time (especially if they are preparing to leave soonmarried ), but married people are still better.

My firstexperience with a married woman was five years ago when I slept with my wifecolleagues right at the corporate party. And I really liked it - the feeling of forbidden fruit, extreme sports and a wild adrenaline rush. The fact that someone’s woman chose you over her husband greatly pleases one’s pride and raises self-esteem. And I decided to repeat, to check if it alwayssex with a married woman is so awesome, or did I just come across an insatiable, hungry lady whothe husband did not pay enough attention.

Since test-antibiotic.com the company where I worked was large, and I was going to quit soon, out of sporting interest I decided to carefully seduce a couple of women who definitely had husbands or long-term seriousrelationship . And everything worked out great for me! The process of hunting is very exciting and exciting (“hunting victims” are also delighted that they are being hunted, although they try to pretend that they are “against” and that they are “not like that”). I really enjoyed walking around the edge, playing spy and living in an atmosphere of half-hints. And the fact that I was more desirable than their husbands, no matter how much they were willing to risk for sex with me, led to indescribable delight! Unforgettable feelings!

After my first two victories, I decided to up the ante and sleep with my immediate boss's wife. Just a week of hints, winks and light flirting - and now she’s already at my house. In bed I did whatever I wanted with her. I even wanted to find a limit to what she wouldn’t allow me to do to her, but there was no limit...

What I liked most was not the test-antibiotic.com sex itself (amazing, no doubt), but namelyunderstanding that I have the wife of my arrogant boss, who considers himself more successful than me, butwhose wife thinks otherwise. When I called her a taxi, she admitted that it was the best sex of her life. And that she plans to do it again. And we repeated. And more than once.

There were many experiments in bed. The more I insulted and humiliated her, the more she liked it. Perhaps she had her own scores to settle with her husband, perhaps she just likes hard sex, or maybe all women secretly dream of being treated like this - I don’t dare to say. But with the women with whom I later had hard sex, everything was the same. Probably, modern women are tired of timid, sugary romantics and they want to completely surrender to a real male at least once in their lives?

Our officialThe affair with the boss’s wife lasted four months, after which we broke up - she found out that I was sleeping with another colleague of ours. She threw a scandal and started demanding that I break up with test-antibiotic.com. Well, yes, of course. Following the lead of no one and no one knew why didn’t make me smile, so I left her. What did she do? Never mind. It’s not for her husband to complain to her, really.

Here is another advantage of a relationship with a married woman: it is easy to break off such a relationship at the moment when it is beneficial for you, avoiding unnecessary scenes and hysterics. Although I drew the right conclusions from my relationship with this temperamental lady and no longer take mistresses from among my colleagues at my current place of work.

Soon I found a better job, quit my job, and gradually all sexual contacts with colleagues faded away. But I really liked sleeping with married people, single peopleI was no longer attracted to girls . It was necessary to do something, to look for new females somewhere.

The solution wasInternet . At first I tried to look for mistresses on dating sites, but there were few adequate ones there, but it was easy to run into professionals whoThey love money , but they don’t love sex. Another thing is social networks. There are a lot of bored housewives out there, you just need to know how to look... At first I didn’t know how, but test-antibiotic.com quickly learned. When you do what you love, you don’t notice obstacles, but see only opportunities!

I soon noticed that I liked sex at a woman's home, especially in the bed where she and her husband shared. It's strange, but for many women this is a taboo. Those. You can do whatever you want with her in bed, but not in the marital bed. It was all the more interesting to overcome their resistance. Even if not immediately, everyone agrees; you just need to find the right arguments.

And so you come to her and her husband’s apartment, undress her, lay the slut on her and her husband’s bed... Anyone who has not experienced this will not understand what a thrill it is, how much adrenaline and endorphins you get! After this experience, ordinary sex with a typical girl who wants to get married is a boring and insipid activity.

Sometimes I want the husband of one of my mistresses to catch us in the act. I want to see how they will get out, how they will make up excuses for themselves and hang responsibility for their lust on their hornshusband . Having read here women's confessions about infidelity, I am surprised at how many cuckolds who forgive everything test-antibiotic.com to their wives and girlfriends, succumbing to their false repentances, promises and persuasion. Forgiving betrayal is not strength, not an indicator of love and not nobility, as walking women try to present it. This is cowardice and incompetence of a man - and there is no other way to call it, no matter how hard you try.

I want to clarify that I do not consider myself a good person and a role model. Probably my sexual preferences are a deviation from the norm and are unacceptable to most people. I do not encourage you to be like me, I am not proud of my behavior and I do not brag. I just wanted to speak out and show why betrayal cannot be forgiven, no matter what the lady who was caught with a strange man in her marital bed said in her own defense.

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