My daughter and granddaughter no longer needed me

My daughter and granddaughter no longer needed me
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I live with my daughter and granddaughter, and they treat me with disdain. It’s as if they are waiting for me to go to the next world.

It’s my own fault, because I followed Sveta’s daughter’s lead. On her advice, I sold my two-room apartment,my daughter sold her dorm room and bought a three-room apartment. Svetochka assured me how good it would be for everyone, and she would take care of me. But she doesn't need me. It’s a shame that my granddaughter Katyusha doesn’t need her either, although I raised her, not Sveta.

My husband left me when Sveta was two years old and went to someone else. Imy daughter raised it alone. She moved to another city and went to college there. Six months later she arrived, crying: “Mom, I’m pregnant.” She gave birth to a daughter, they named her Katyusha. Sveta had to finish her studies, and I took upon myself all the worries about the little child. Then Sveta moved in with some man, and Katya lived with me, and they decided that my child would be better off. I took the girl to school and did homework with her while Sveta her personallife was fine.

And so she raised her granddaughter, Katyusha entered college. Sveta separated from her husband and remembered us. Katya is all “Mom!” Yes mom!" rushes around her. And I succumbed to persuasion to live together, and I’m old and sick - diabetes. But I won't die peacefully. Here again Sveta found a man. The other day I bought a cake and brought me a piece. I say: “I can’t, I’m sick.” And Sveta told me: “Mom, are you stupid?” I'm offended. In general, now I don’t even know who to feel like in this apartment. I can stay in my room all day, and neither my granddaughter nor my daughter will come in and ask if I’m even alive. They don’t take my opinion into account at all; they never even ask what I want for dinner. My daughter puts down a plate of soup and still thinks that I owe her after that. But they don’t notice that I’m giving my pension to my daughter and granddaughter.

The man Svetin lives with us now. Behaves as if at home, can walk around the apartment in shorts all morning. Sveta herself prays for him. Katya is always with her friends somewhere, and when at home, I want to talk to her, but she still has no time, she locks herself in her room and sits.

No gift forholiday , not a warm word. I'm very lonely. I dedicated myself entirely to my daughter and granddaughter, and now thisattitude . How can we continue to live?

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