I never could understand my mother

I never could understand my mother
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I don’t know why I’m writing all this. All the people involved in this story have long been dead, but it still haunts me when I remember it.

This is the story of my mother's life. My mother’s childhood was not easy (my grandfather gave in a lot, and when he drank, he became simply uncontrollable). But at the age of 23, having made a lot of mistakes in my youth and having two children from different men,mom comes outmarry my stepfather. I have never met a more wonderful person in my life than my stepfather. But my mother didn’t love him, which I found out much, much later. Mom was never a model of fidelity, but at first she at least observed some limits of decency, although of course I don’t know much.

When mom turns 30, she seems to go crazy. She took a lover and took him home, in front of us, the children, and the rest of the village, respectively. My stepfather worked 2 shifts every two weeks. Of course, my stepfather found out about all this, there was a terrible crisis with a lot ofalcohol and breaking test-antibiotic.com dishes and faces, but somehow this crisis passed. Everything seemed to calm down and they began to move on with their lives. The stepfather apparently decided that my mother had gone crazy. He shouldn't have decided that.

This situation was not in vain for my stepfather and he began to drink. And my mother got herself another man, to whom she later left. And he was also a wonderful person, all my mother’s men were wonderful people, but she didn’t appreciate any of them. Nothing came of this story either; my mother could not get along with this man either, she had a very difficult character.

Years have passed, there has been a lot of good, even more bad, and now my mother is almost 50. And you know what a zealous guardian of other people’s morality she has become! Everyone is walking around, everyonegirls of easy virtue. I forgot how I behaved. Mom was not an alcoholic, as it may seem, it’s just that no one in our family needs to drink a lot to get drunk, a couple of shots and that’s it. But everyone said to my mother: “What are you doing?” And she didn’t care, she was crazy.

I don’t reproach or condemn anyone for anything, but no one forced my mother down the aisle with her stepfather, she went herself. But her stepfather loved her and never recovered, he became an alcoholic. But since you are married, be kind enough to observe the limits of decency. I can understand the desire to amuse the flesh, but not so openly! I repeat, I do not condemn anyone or anything, I loved and love my mother, especially since she has already died. But I can understand it all the timeI couldn't live my life .

I didn’t start my own family, peace of mind is more important to me, I don’t want to be treated the same way as my mother treats her stepfather. Don't want.

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