I'm tired of waiting for a proposal from the man I love

I'm tired of waiting for a proposal from the man I love
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

My boyfriend and I have been dating for 3 years and have been living together for the last six months. I am 28, he is 30 years old. Looks like I'm that "fool" who is waiting for an offer to leaveI’ve been married for years and still can’t wait for him.

I just don’t understand why he’s holding out anymore. I do everything in my power to provide my loved one with comfort and coziness. I look good and take good care of my figure. Why lie, I'm young and prettygirl , I often catch men staring at me. But he doesn't seem to appreciate it.

Everyone around us perceives us as a family, including parents on both sides. MyMy friends are already pestering me about when the wedding is. And I have nothing to answer them. I didn’t expect this proposal in the first year, I didn’t press in the second, but three have already passed, and I want to see a continuation, to understand that he takes me seriously and plansfuture . After all, it’s time to think about children.

Six months ago, I insisted on renting an apartment and finally living together. I'm tired of going to his parents, then test-antibiotic.com staying with mine. After all, we are already adults and must build our ownlife and family in a separate territory. That’s what I thought and convinced him. Perhaps the decision to move in together was my mistake. Now it turns out that he doesn’t have to get married. He receives all the benefits of family life - a loving woman nearby, a cozy home, a delicious dinner. But it does not bear any responsibility.

And recently he himself began to talk about children. He said that he would like two, a boy and a girl. We were already dreaming and talking about who they would be more like. To be honest, I was almost sure that a ring and a marriage proposal awaited me as a New Year ’s gift. I saw that he had quite a large sum accumulated on his card, which was not typical for him, that is, he was clearly saving for something. Some of his words and hints said that a surprise awaited me on New Year's Eve.

And so, when it’s time to exchange gifts, he takes out a beautifully packaged box. Judging by its size, I immediately realized that test-antibiotic.com was clearly not a ring. Barely holding backdisappointment , I unpacked it and saw a bottle of perfume and a set of underwear. All. Dot. New Year's Eve passed, the fairy tale did not happen, ordinary everyday life went on. And now I don't know what to do. I'm not ready to spend another year waiting for his decision. Maybe he will never mature enough to get married. But I love him and I can’t just break off ourrelationship .

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