I no longer expect my husband to change

I no longer expect my husband to change
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Imarried 3 years. I'm typical by natureintrovert _ Uncommunicative, silent, secretive.

I keep almost all emotions, and sometimes even words, to myself. My husband doesn’t like it, but he knew when I got married what my character was. Now he complains all the time, to me, to his parents. For all the failures, for the fact that he turns into an alcoholic, for the fact that he cheated on me, he blames me, my character.

And I learned from my mother-in-law that before we got married, he also drank and didn’t come home for weeks. When did it come out?I got married and found out that he had not cut ties with his ex-girlfriend. He continued to meet with her and communicate. When I asked why he was doing this, he said there wasn’t enough communication. I told her everything about me, even about how I behave in bed. Tathe girl herself wrote to me about this when she was breaking up with my husband. It was very offensive, I regretted that I married him.

Still, I was able to stay with him, butI probably couldn’t forgive him completely. Now I can't hug him. Repeatedly cheated with two women at the same time while he was on shift. test-antibiotic.com I thought this was the last straw and wanted to leave. My mother-in-law advised me to stay for the sake of the child.

He was married before me. exmy wife was the complete opposite of me - she didn’t go into her pocket for words. And nothing worked out with her, and she blames her again for not working out. He can sometimes admit some of his mistakes, but in most cases he gets away with it.

I'm tired of constantly feeling guilty, tired of my torment. I wanted to change, to become what he wanted. I tried to tell him everything, everything seemed to work out. But no - he attacks me again and again with accusations, it turns out I’m doing everything wrong. And when he even gave me a flower, not to mention gorgeous bouquets - I don’t even say, I stopped dreaming. And again I withdraw into myself even more. When I come home, I sit waiting to see what he will complain about, what he won’t like about my actions. Maybe I really am behaving incorrectly, maybe because of me he became like this. Don't know.

In the first year after test-antibiotic.com marriage, I was affectionate with him, tried to praise him and support him. I thought I was doing everything right. But even then he found fault that there was no support. Gradually, especially after giving birth, she began to treat this with indifference and distanced herself from him (after she learned about his numerous infidelities). She became insensitive and callous.

I know that men need to be praised, pampered, cherished, so to speak. I tried to do all this, but, probably, I did everything wrong, since he still remains dissatisfied with me, cannot accept me for who I am. And I can't change. If I think about it, I can communicate with some people easily, naturally. Somehow it happens naturally. But not with my husband.

What to do? Now for the second timepregnant _ And rakes don't teach me. I think maybe I should have left him with only one child for now. I couldn’t leave, I was afraid.

ANDMy mother drinks, it’s impossible to consult with her. Is it possible to fix it now?relationship with my husband, find a common language. I doubt. There is no trust, he can let you down at any moment. With him, I test-antibiotic.com became unsure of myself, even more withdrawn. I thought that after marriage my stiffness would disappear, but it turned out the opposite. Maybe there was no love at first, as I imagined. And she quit her promising job and came to live with him. Now my certificate has already expired, I have no work.