I learned the truth about my father

I learned the truth about my father
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I was born in 2002 into a family with a very good income. My father has been a businessman since the 90s and 2000s. Mom worked as an accountant before meeting her father. AfterMom stopped working.

Dad never lived with us. Mom said that he works very hard. I was little and didn’t attach much importance to it. After all, when he came to us for a couple of days, we went to barbecue and spent a lot of time together.

Everything was fine until I, at the age of 10, accidentally, because of my curiosity, took my father’s passport. He turned out to be married for 20 years. And, as you understand, not on my mother.

I remember now that for a week, I waited until the night until everyone fell asleep and started crying. He didn’t say anything to his mother, nor did he say anything to his father. I continued to live the same way, pretending that I didn’t know anything.

In 2013, my father beganhealth problems . At least that's what my mother told me. These problems continued for three to four years. They ended, he arrived, everything fell into place test-antibiotic.com.

In the end I got intoInternet , I wrote my father’s name, and came across an article where I found out that he was imprisoned for a bribe. Again shock, again tears, again I am silent.

After prison he became completely different. Now every month we saw each other less and less. Now I'm 18 years old. I last saw my father two years ago. This year he didn't even call my numberbirthday .

I found out that my mother knew that mymy father is married, but she loved him, so she decidedgive birth to me. But that's not really what worries me.

This year I graduated from school, passed the ZNO (Ukrainian alternative to the EGE) with 197/200 (average score). Joined one of the best private universities in the country. My education was paid for by my grandmother, who has been living abroad for 15 years. The key word is paid.

I to have pocketmoney , I work part-time as a math and English tutor. As it turned out, combining part-time work andUniversity is not that easy. I failed several tests and thought I would fix them later.


A couple of days ago they called me and said that after the New Year I would be expelled because I didn’t have enough points to take the exams.

That's how things are. Let me remind you thatMy mother doesn't work, my grandmother provides for us. And she really hoped that I was smartguy , I can earn money for myselflife , and in the end, provide for your mother. And honestly, that's what I wanted. But it didn't work out.

Grandmother is 70 years old. She still works as a children’s nanny abroad, and I am very grateful to her for everything, because if it weren’t for her, my mother and I would not have survived.

Very angry with myself. There is no desire to do anything. I even abandoned most of my students, leaving two with whom I was most pleased to work.

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