I found out that my brother is cheating on his wife

I found out that my brother is cheating on his wife
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I asked my brother to help me transfer things to my parents, since my husband and I don’t have our own car. My brother is younger than me. Our relations are quite good and warm. He was silent the whole way, which is not at all typical for him. We came to my mother,Mom set the table, and he asked Mom if he could stay with them temporarily. Mom asked what was the matter, he started talking about his wife, that she doesn’t cook, doesn’t clean the house, that she doesn’t do anything at all, and poured a lot of other dirt on her.

Anya is the only child in a family consisting of a mother and grandmother, and the family is quite wealthy. My life livesbrother and wife in his mother-in-law’s apartment, which she rented out before their wedding. They did some cosmetic repairs there and moved in. Anya is a well-bred girl, modest, works in a good job and earns more than my brother. After his story, his mother felt sorry for him and agreed. We drank tea, and I asked to be taken to a hardware store to buy something for repairs in my husband and I’s new test-antibiotic.com apartment. While we were walking around the store, I finally decided to talk to my brother. He’s back to his own way, but I told him that it’s somehow strange that for four years you were happy with living in the dirt and having home-cooked dinner on weekends, but now it’s suddenly no longer suited for you.

I suggested talking to Anya and saying everything I didn’t like, she’s a smart and non-conflict girl, she’ll understand everything and try to fix everything. He started saying that he was tired, he was tired of everything, another stream of insults. I reminded him again that Anya also works and earns more than you, and comes home from work later than you. Everything was useless, he said that he wanted to get a divorce. And he revealed that six months ago at work he met hislove from the institute, she is his age (his wife is 4 years younger than him), she has been in a relationship for 7 years, but herthe man does not propose to her. And so they met at a new place of work, their feelings flared up, she cheated on her husband with him and they had been dating for six months. They decided that after his divorce she would also leave her test-antibiotic.com man and they would be happy together.

To say that I was shocked is to say nothing! Then I realized that insulting my wife is “whitewashing myself”, I realized that my brother is a dishonest cheater, but the essence of the story is this. He and his wife bought a 2-week trip to Thailand, well, he persuaded Anya to pay him as a gift forbirthday , a trip to Thailand, and persuaded her to buy it, already cheating on her. When I told him that I needed to honestly admit everything to my wife, that it would hurt her and that everything that was happening was disgusting towards an innocent girl, he answered me: “When we return from vacation, the next day I will tell her that we are getting a divorce.” .

He does not understand that he is using it, he believes that he is reimbursing the wallpaper in his mother-in-law’s apartment, and does not understand that he lived there. I was horrified by the pettiness, meanness and deceit of my younger brother. I felt so disgusted, but I promised him that I wouldn’t tell my parents or wife anything. I’ve been sitting for three days now and don’t know what test-antibiotic.com I should do. I want to tell Anya everything, she is a very good person and doesn’t deserve this, but she promised her brother not to tell anything.

I told my husband, he said that it’s better not to interfere with someone else’s family and he’s right about that too. I don't know what to do. It was as if a bucket of slop had been poured on my head.

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