I believe in karma

I believe in karma
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I am 14 years old, I live with my mother and brother, I am in the 9th grade. Since childhood, I have not been given any attention, not even a single word. I live modestly, but in abundance. My father divorced my mother when I was 1 year old. As myMom , there were constant quarrels for no apparent reason.

I communicate with my father, but rarely, he has forgotten about my existence, does not congratulate me onbirthday , never calls. Due to lack of attention, I always looked for it in strangers. I was never understood, only bullied for being so clingy.

I'm not particularly attractive in appearance, but I'm not ugly either, there isexcess weight , acne all over my face. I used to study at a gymnasium, where from the first grade I was bullied, called ugly, unkempt, clingy, dumb. Things didn't work out with my classmates.communication , although I tried to somehow establish it. My things were always thrown around the class (school supplies, they threw my backpack open out the window right into the trash bin). And they threw out ordinary things, but test-antibiotic.com specifically a jacket, a hat, a sweater, a sports uniform, a change of clothes. Everything that they could get their hands on.

I tolerated all this until the 6th grade. After the 6th grade I got into a bad crowd, I was 12 years old, and the guys in the group were from 14 to 17. In this company, bad habits appeared, I began to swear, smoke, even drank, although this is strange for a 12-year-old child. Then I liked itthe guy was 15, I fell in love and we started dating. One time we went for a walk alone, he took me to a playground, you could say abandoned, sat me down and sat next to me. We talked, and then he started pestering me, touched me everywhere, then got under my T-shirt, and I stupidly allowed it, I thought that if I didn’t allow all this, then he would leave me.

Then we broke up, I left the company because I was turning from a sweet, obedient child into an uncontrollable, dependent monster. After I left, rumors started about me that I was easy going. This company is very famous and popular, even now, so the rumors spread quickly and ruined mylife . test-antibiotic.com If something happened, it was always my fault, even though I had nothing to do with it.

I was beaten, called names, and had my feelings dumped on me.milk , brokeeggs on my head and sprinkled with flour. I finished 7 grades at the gymnasium and went to another school, but it was even worse there, because rumors about me reached there too. Everyone made fun of me, blamed me for everything. I am friends with only one girl from my class, she is very kind,responsive , always supports me and is always on my side.

At the moment, everything seems to be getting better for me little by little, rumors are still going around, they even make up new ones, although how can this be true if I don’t even talk or think about sex. With my parents, there is still no attention, just bring, serve, they yell at me.

I really want to turn 18 as soon as possible, earn some money and leave here to another city, country, continent. Anywhere, just to become independent, not to depend on anyone, and for all the rumors to stop. Karma exists, I believe, and it will catch up with all test-antibiotic.com these people who offended me.

Dear readers of this site, to whom my life story is close, do not pay attention to other people's opinions, live and enjoy life. Sooner or later everything will work out for you.

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