I chose a relationship without love

I chose a relationship without love
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I am younggirl , beautiful, cheerful, with a good figure, very often they offer filming, etc. In relationships I am caring, affectionate, tender and devoted, I cook well and my home is always clean and tidy, but I can’t find a person with whom I will be happy. It seems like there are a lot of men around, but I don’t have a soul for anyone, I don’t even want to go to bed with anyone, they don’t excite me.

I'm not frigidI love sex and I do it very well. He’s been absent from me for six months now: I don’t want to be with just anyone and I’m not attracted to my exes, and I don’t even want to step on this rake. Today alonea man older than me (although age doesn’t bother me, I’ve always communicated with people older than myself), offered to sponsor me. He is married, holds a fairly high position (for this reason everything will be hidden from prying eyes), has an athletic build and is generally just a good person. Offers largemoney .

Nowadays, this has long become commonplace, but I never would have thought that I would decide to do this. But thoughts began to choke me test-antibiotic.com that it might be worth a try. If I can’t find a person for a relationship and love, then why not find a lover (sexual abstinence is difficult for the body), who will also give money?

In general, I sit and think, should I agree or not? There are a lot of thoughts in my head, it doesn’t seem to be prostitution, because... not changing partners 10 times a day, but also for money. I don’t want to ask anyone for advice from my friends, althoughI have close friends and it would be possible to share. Please accept the situation adequately and without insults.

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