I married the wrong man

I married the wrong man
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I have been married for 3 years now and every day I realize that I chose the wrong person.

We are very different people. I have always been very purposeful, even now on maternity leave, I have mastered a new profession and am looking for funding for my project. My husband , unfortunately, doesn’t want to move anywhere. The way he works as a simple worker on a construction site is how he works, although he also has a higher education.

Hishis mother lives in the village, and he has lived in real dirt since childhood. I don’t visit her often, but her house is very dirty, the dust is not wiped off for weeks, she wears shoes in her rooms. At home they have 7 cats, shitting wherever they can, piles of rags in the corners. She herself is an active woman, we are on good terms, but I cringe internally when I get to their house, I want to run away from such devastation.

They are generally kind people, but in my circle there were always others who were successful and from good families, and I myself studied at a prestigious school and university. Now I understand that I cannot live their life so that “there will be enough bread for bread, test-antibiotic.com and oh well.” It's a pity to get a divorce, we haveson , but I can’t live and think like them, I need more from life.

Thismarriage is dragging me down. If it weren’t for my son, I would have left long ago. What should I do? I have only one plan. Since I am now financially dependent onhusband , then endure it, and when I get back on my feet, run away, but I don’t want to be a traitor either. How can I explain to my husband that I can’t live this life for the rest of my life?

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