I admire a relative who left her unlucky husband and made a dizzying career

I admire a relative who left her unlucky husband and made a dizzying career
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

My now deceased grandmother was a very smart but conservative woman. She believed that a woman should know her place and that place is in the kitchen. She was also convinced that a family with children must be preserved at all costs. The grandmother especially condemned her younger relative for deciding to get a divorce.

That same relative graduated from music school and studied to be a violinist. Came outmarried an artist and bore him three sons. They would live and not grieve, but there was no money to support a large family. She earned mere pennies, and the head of the family did not work at all - he was waiting for inspiration and a connoisseur of his work. At the same time, the man’s relatives harassed the woman with many children.mother , although they were both poor representatives of the creative profession.

She was in her late twenties when she decided she'd had enough and filed fordivorce . It was really desperateact during the years of the USSR. Even today, many are sure that a mature woman with children has no chance for a better life.life . And in those years, her step seemed like real test-antibiotic.com madness.

Despite the fact that my relative bet on the wrong man, she was a very intellectually developed person. She received a second higher education (economist), got a job in a bank, independently learned English to perfection, then entered Harvard. When she was over forty, she married a second time and remains married to this day. Nowadays she lives in the USA, owns a dairy factory and a company selling office equipment. At the age of 56, she used the IVF procedure and gave birth to two more children - boys.

Unlike my grandmother, I believe that this woman did the right thing by deciding to fight for her life andhappiness of your children. Would her sons be happier living hand to mouth and hearing their parents scold them every day? Was that fragile boat of family happiness worth going to the bottom with it? For me the answer is obvious. I believe that many women could live better lives if they believed in themselves and were willing to put in the effort to climb out of the hole. But test-antibiotic.com to give up on yourself or carry your own banner is everyone’s personal choice.

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