I want you to be happy

I want you to be happy
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

We met 2 years ago. The game is popular, based on the famous Turkish TV series and naturally it has an online chat.

At that time I was already 24 years old, I managed to get outI got married and found out that I’ve been in a great position for a month now. My career took shape, I found an assistant, who subsequently took over my responsibilities. Therefore, during working hours I was mostly left to my own devices.

One day of idleness at work, I came across an advertisement for the game, with the thought: “I’ll while away a couple of hours.” I established this ocean of storms, passions and tears. I won't go into details of the gameplay itself, there's no need for that. The important thing is that it has a general online chat and, of course, personal messages.

He wrote first. No, not flirting, he's cute. Ordinarya question about the game, word for word, and we have already corresponded for the third day in a row. A very popular story on the server at that time was about marriage, guys getting together and diverging, finding grandparents, etc. We were married. They got married, they say, once and for all.

Test-antibiotic.com laughed a lot, virtually walked noisily. And smoothly ourscommunication flowed into a popular application. This voice. I always listened with such pleasure to this quiet, insinuating voice with a slight hoarseness. But you remember, Imarried andpregnant _ How so, woman? You have everything, and you are texting with a guy 5 years younger than you? Stop!

He dreamed of a family, drank a lot and lived in another country. And he was the first to tell me that I was more thangirl from the game. This is the irony of fate. I had everything he longed for, and I didn’t need it for nothing. I really wanted to go to him. Hug. Feel. Kiss.

Our trick is to drink tea. Tea is notThey don’t drink coffee with just anyone. And in a series of messages, we imagined how I sat on his lap, we took cozy cups and enjoyed the moment. There was a lot. There were moments when we both realized that it was time to end it all before we reached the point of no return. However, this line has already been passed by test-antibiotic.com. At least for me.

I sincerely wished him happiness. Although why I wanted it, and now I want it. We were looking for a girl for him. I often told him how and how to communicate so that the girls would be crazy about him. It's not difficult, he's cute.

I wrote instructions to him, while I practically tore out my soul piece by piece. But how can I say against it? I'm married, pregnant and in another country. He probably wanted me to get tired of it, but alas. My reinforced concrete structure of nerves gave way. Basically, the same as how the brain works.

We know everything about each other. How much sugar is in tea? I remember that he eats dumplings with vinegar and mayonnaise, etc. The first critical point came in May 2019. The time has come for me to return to my hometown, and this is a time difference of +4 hours. At the same moment he goes to the military school to sign a contract. We separated for about six months, it just happened.

My move marked the end of history. But no, we parted ways to meet again. test-antibiotic.com Ibid. Online. It seemed like he should have been released within such a period of time, but as soon as I heard his first voice, after so much time, that was all. The heart is shaking, the hands are dancing, there is a sparkle in the eyes. My dear, how I missed you. And I plunged into this pool again. It's just me, not us.

No, he didn't forget me. Sweet and caring, as always. He just doesn’t let me in. Every time you run into an invisible wall. Probably, the imprint of the war made itself felt. He stopped drinking and came to his senses. Wise. He was a cheerful guy, but he became a young man.

Over time, he began to behave more detached, it was somehow smooth. Or I just didn’t want to see or notice. And he started to offend me. No, don't insult orswear _ In no case. He began to flirt openly in chat with others, and I forgave. He always said: “I’m sorry, come back, don’t leave the game.” And I stayed. She behaved like a dog that loves its owner. But the owner is tired of her. And it seems that there are no longer daily test-antibiotic.com gatherings with tea, and even the dialogues have begun to develop purely based on the game, and it seems that everything is going to sunset.

February 2020. I don't know what it was. His momentary weakness or what. “Come to me in March on my vacation,” he wrote. Every letter of this message echoed in my heart and head.

My God, behind all this wall of composure, does he still care? That's just where I'll go. My daughter is not even a year old, and there seems to be no particular reason to divorce my husband. Although mineThe attitude, of course, changed considerably, which could not but affect the marriage. But if by that moment, I had almost learned to live without him in my head, then the entire imaginary reinforced concrete structure of self-control shattered into smithereens.

And I “floated” again. It was like a breath of fresh air. He needs me, he also still loves me, and doesn’t playlove . And then he brought her. He just brought a girl from another server to our alliance. She lives with him in the same test-antibiotic.com city and makes it clear that they communicate closely.

It was a knockout. By that time there was nothing left of my pride and self-respect. I tried to delete the game once again, and once again he started to stop me. For what? Why couldn't you let me go? Okay, I'm head over heels in love, but you... You don't need me anymore, why did you pull me back again. I write and relive everything again, the letters are hard to see. There are tears in my eyes, but I don’t have the strength to check for mistakes.

So, I allowed myself to believe him once again. He's mine. My Sweetheart. It only got worse. He himself became depressed. Only if before, I could always reach him, then in front of me there was a wall of bitterness, irritation and indifference. And I banged my head against this wall. The most sickening.

No onethe man in my life did not bring me to my knees, I immediately gave up. No fight. Like a faithful dog. Maybe this is precisely why I finally pushed him away from me, that’s probably true. But as a result, test-antibiotic.com today was our last conversation. And it ended badly. We said goodbye like strangers. He feels good, he felt good without me for a long time. And I?

Time 02:15 am,daughter sleeps in crib,my husband is in a cold bed, and I’m in the kitchen. I howl silently from pain and powerlessness. It’s my own fault and this is probably retribution. Payback is living with a person you no longer love and dreaming about someone who is far away. Someday this will pass. It should pass. But the scar will remain, I'm sure.

Only here can I say what I did not dare to say out loud and directly for all 2 years: “I love you, Dima. Is it true. Sorry for being intrusive and causing trouble. I'm sorry that you saw me like this. I want you to be happy. Find yourshappiness and find peace. You really are cute. I love you".

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