I want to get married!

I want to get married!
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I was daddy's favorite daughter, maybe because the only and long-awaitedchild . Dad called me princess, and I wanted to finda husband to be as handsome and reliable as dad. But it didn't work out.

I have never been deprived of male attention. Beautiful appearance, higher education, successful career. I thought that there would be no problems with marriage, but it turned out that I am still single at 30. Attention from men also decreased. There were novels, but I considered all the applicants unworthy of myself, and my dad would not have approved. I met a guy from my course, then I met a foreigner, although we only communicated on the Internet. He was even divorceda man 19 years older than me! I won’t even describe the petty affairs.

I am well-groomed, with an excellent figure, a sense of humor, and guys choose some gray mice! I see married couples and I can’t understand why this is sowas the girl able to attract a man? But unlike me, she hashusband and children. And not just a husband, but a real man. I reassure myself that I test-antibiotic.com am free from family life, my husband’s mood, and my angry mother-in-law, but often this does not help. I still want to get married .

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