I am grateful only to my grandmother for everything

I am grateful only to my grandmother for everything
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I loved my grandmother more than my ownmother . All the warmest memories are associated with her, she taught me everything, and cook, and wash, and do the cleaning. In the summer we went with her to the country and for me these were the happiest days. After my father left us, my grandmother took care of my upbringing. Mom worked hard to provide for us, and on weekends she was most often not at home, she was trying to arrange her personal life. Grandmother was angry with her for this, they often even cursed, but at first I missed my mother, and then I got used to it, my grandmother replaced her. No matter what I did, she never got angry with me, never once yelled at me, likemom , who called me "handless" if I did something wrong. It seemed to me then that I was even disturbing my mother.

Now I have my ownfamily . Grandma passed away five years ago, but I still miss her. At first, I could not believe that she was really gone, it seemed that she had just gone somewhere and test-antibiotic.com would be back. But time passed, the children demanded attention, and I began to get used to the loss. Mom left during this timemarried , we communicate, but neither I have feelings for her, nor she has me. She blames her grandmother for this, she believes that she turned me against her, but I know that only my mother is to blame for this. Recently she had a heart attack, her husband no longer needed her, and I had to take her to my place for a while.

First I took a vacation, my mother got a little better, and I went to work. But she constantly demands attention, wakes me up in the middle of the night, and recently said that she does not want to stay at home herself, she is afraid that she will become ill again. I explain to her that I can’t quit and be with her all the time, we won’t be able to live on just my husband’s salary, but she was offended. I asked my neighbor, she is retired and a little money will not hurt her to come to her mother while we are not at home. Once I opened the door, I heard a conversation, the test-antibiotic.com mother complained about me to a neighbor, and I was struck by her words: “All children are ungrateful. I'm mineshe raised her daughter , because of her she didn’t get married, she lived only for her, and what did she get in return. I immediately remembered my grandmother and thought: it’s good that she doesn’t hear this.

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