I'm jealous of my single friend

I'm jealous of my single friend
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I divorced my first husband when he started drinking. At first it was onlybeer , then stronger drinks. Despite the fact that we already had two children, I decided to get a divorce, because by this time he was already a real alcoholic.

My son was 10 years old and my daughter was 6 when I left.married a second time. The husband was also divorced and haddaughter (12 years old) who lived with her mother. He regularly paid not only alimony, but also delivered them a certain amount every month. I didn't interfere, but over time he stopped giving memoney , just boughtgroceries and paid his share for utilities. He motivated this by the fact that there are three of us, and he is alone, and we also live in his apartment.

I would have left him then, but I was alreadypregnant _ My husband began making comments to my children, shouting at them, and when he hit my daughter so hard on the back with a belt that even the stripes did not go away for several days, I threatened to leave him. He said that test-antibiotic.com was not going to tolerate my ill-mannered children. To avoid quarrels, I often punished my son and daughter myself, especially when my youngest son was born.

After 11 years, I couldn’t stand it and divorced this husband. The son stayed with him, at first temporarily, and then he himself did not want to move with me to the old two-room walk-through Khrushchev house, where my parents also lived. And there he had his own room. When my son turned 19, heFather sold the apartment, bought him a car, and bought himself a house in the village. I was against my son being left homeless, but he soon got married and moved in with his daughter-in-law.

Life didn’t work out not only for me, but also for the children. The eldest son followed in his father's footsteps, started drinking and died of a heart attack at 34. My daughter divorced and moved to live with me. She doesn't have charactersugar and from the very first day she began to humiliate me and dictate her living conditions. I am no longer the mistress of my house. She constantly blames me for her second marriage, test-antibiotic.com says that she will never forget how her stepfather beat her and cannot do this to meforgive . She sets herself as an example that after the divorce she lives for her daughter, and is not looking for a new man.

I had already somehow come to terms with such a life, but then my youngest son got divorced and at first asked to live for a month while she found an apartment, but he has been living there for six months already. This makes my daughter very angry. She doesn’t communicate with her brother at all, ignores him, and if he’s at home, she starts insulting his father, doing everything to spite both of us. I planted flowers that occupy all the free space in our apartment. There’s no room to turn around in the kitchen, but I can’t make any comments, I’m afraid of the conflict that she’s looking for so much.

Three days ago she brought home a puppy of some aggressive breed and said that she had long dreamed of a dog, but she was not allowed to, now she is her own mistress. The puppy shits everywhere, chews shoes. I don't know what to do with all this. I envy my friend who has never beenmarried and lives alone for her own pleasure.

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