I live in someone else's family

I live in someone else's family
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

My name is Svetlana. I am writing a real story from my life in order to get advice. I had a hopeless situation in my family. I can’t trust my friends, and I no longer have my parents. Every day I make a new decision and I myself know that there is no other way out yet.

I'll tell you everything in order. I 've been married for eight years. We live with our parentshusband . We haveson and just recently borndaughter . The relationship with my husband was excellent, he loved his son, so I decidedgive birth to another child. My mother-in-law recently retired and said that she would help with the children.

But a month before giving birth, I noticed thatmy husband became indifferent to me. He is constantly late at work and has stopped paying attention to his son. One day I didn’t even spend the night at home. I didn’t bother to find out anything, I decided that after giving birth everything would work out on its own.

But one day, when we were at home, he said that he wanted to talk to me frankly, because he didn’t want to live like this anymore. He said that he has another woman, and he test-antibiotic.com loves her, but is not born yetbaby , he will be with me. It amazed me so much, everything was so unexpected that I couldn’t believe it.

Maybe because I was nervous, but the baby was born a little earlier than necessary. But my daughter was born healthy and is now six months old. My husband and I are strangers. He's still dating that woman. I think he's waiting for me to leave. But I have nowhere to go with two small children, except on the street.

His parents didn’t intervene right away, they thought we’d figure it out ourselves. And now they are on my side, they love children very much. They said that this is my home, and if he doesn’t needfamily , then let him go. But that doesn't make it any easier for me. I still feel like an outsider here, but I don’t know what to do. This is how I live.

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