I knew what I was getting into, but it doesn't make me feel any better

I knew what I was getting into, but it doesn't make me feel any better
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I know that such topics are already boring and most likely I will not write anything new. I read the comments to a similar story and I want to sort everything out.

IMarried . UI have a husbanddaughter from her first marriage. Standard. He pays child support and takes her once every three to four weeks. Infrequently. But it makes me very angry. My husband and I have wonderfulrelationship , but as soon as the time comes to take the girl, I start to shake.

I’ll say right away, I don’t hate the girl. I'm just very jealous and projecting.jealousy of my ex-wife for her child, that’s why the girl makes me angry. It’s also upsetting that she connects my loved one with another woman.

There is no need to say that if you love a person, then you will love his child. If only minemy husband was a single father, and if I had to become a girl’s mother, it would be a completely different situation. Or if I hadchild from ex-husband.

I won’t mind someone else’s child, because I have one myself. The most interesting thing, test-antibiotic.com is thatAdvice in the style of “you can’t do this”, “find a childless person”, “it’s his blood”, is given by those women who have not been in similar situations.

Or my favorite – “you knew what you were getting into.” I knew! But I didn’t think that it would affect my peace of mind so much.

How can I be calm whenmy beloved goes to his ex-wife (albeit with me). I read a lot of forums on this topic and everything is everywheregirls hate children from their first marriage (precisely when they live as ex-wives). The maximum is neutrality. They don’t say anything to their husband, but they themselves get very angry and upset.

I don't need advice that I should leave him and find someone without children. I don’t want to hear that I’m selfish and forbid my husband to communicate with his child. I want to love this child. I want our future children to love their sister. But I haven’t seen a single example in similar situations where everything is fine.

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