Three weeks before the wedding, I realized that I didn’t want to get married.

Three weeks before the wedding, I realized that I didn’t want to get married.
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I am 25 years old, I dated a guy for 2 years. The relationship was strange: he was pleasant to me as a friend, helped me in many ways, and at one point admitted his sympathy. I understood that I couldn’t reciprocate, so I told him so. He got upset and said that there was no point in communicating at all. I burst into tears - it also hurt me at the thought of separation, but now I think it’s because I liked him as a friend and in many ways was a support. Then I met him myself, and we began to communicate more closely. But once a month there came a moment when I realized that I didn’t want to be with him and didn’t love him. I told him about it - it’s a scandalthe quarrel , my tears, worries, remorse, always ended up coming together again.

Over the past six months, he began to often talk about marriage, that he wants to marry me, thatHis mother constantly asks him why he doesn’t introduce me to her. In the end I broke down and decided that this was a good chance to check ourrelationship , because they were incomprehensible. I decided that if I leftget married , everything will change. We decided to get married. I imagined myself as a bride, thought about what hairstyle I would do, etc., in short, I was happy about all this wedding fuss. But step by step everything didn’t turn out the way I wanted, the banquet hall was occupied, which I wanted, and many other little things. And I realized that everything wouldn’t work out the way I wanted, I lost interest in the wedding, and what’s more, I found out that my fiancé and I would have to go abroad in a month after the wedding (which I never wanted).

And this month we will live with his family, and his family is not small, although before this such a development of events was not discussed at all, on the contrary, we were looking for an apartment so that we could rent before the wedding and arrange everything there. This completely knocked me out. I became increasingly uninterested in the matter of the wedding; his mother began to piss me off, who was throwing up all these ideas (like living together with them). Everything started to irritate me, I became aggressive, nervous, I started crying all day long, I couldn’t do anything, not even eat. I understood that I didn’t love this person, and all these “difficulties” that arose and myattitude towards them was all they talked about.

Having told my parents about my concerns, I received negative feedback, my dad started shouting at me and said that there would be no cancellation of the wedding, that I was disgracing him, my mother also grabbed her heart out of nerves. I told my fiance how I felt, he said that he wouldn’t hold me if I didn’t want him, but that I should call his mom myself and tell him about it and so on. It was very difficult for me, I couldn’t talk to anyone about it, and just exhausted, I decided to leave everything as it was. I decided that I would get married, that’s all, and then I’ll sort it out when no one puts pressure on me because of the money spent and the guests invited. Things really improved for a couple of days. Now there are 3 weeks before the wedding and the previous state has returned, I cry constantly, the thoughts that I don’t love the groom have been joined by the fact that he has begun to irritate me.

I can barely restrain myself, he talks about the honeymoon, makes plans, asks where I want to go, but this topic disgusts me so much, I answer, barely smile, and I myself don’t understand what’s happening. Everyone around me tells me that this is just pre-wedding jitters, that I’m a fool and don’t understand anything, so that I don’t screw everyone over and sit in silence. I don't know what to do, I'm waiting for everything to improve, but everything is only getting worse. I’m afraid to imagine what might happen on the wedding day, I’m afraid that I simply won’t come to the event, I can’t be so responsible for myself now.

Please help me figure out what this is? I don't believe these are normal pre-wedding fears. Tell me, how can I talk to my parents about the fact that I am in unbearable pain and that I am confused?

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