Why do I need a second child?

Why do I need a second child?
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I am 28 years old,married and has a five year olddaughter _ I'm finally happy with my life, I'm working,child in kindergarten. After a difficult birth and an unstable financial situation at the beginning of family life (we literally counted pennies), we can afford to live normally. Our daughter has grown up, and it has become easier with her; our parents often take her away on weekends, and we can go somewhere to relax, sit quietly in a restaurant. I had never even dreamed about this before, and if someone had told me then that this would happen, I simply would not have believed it.

But my parents, especially mine, don’t give me peace; they have four children (I’m the eldest), that we shouldhave another child tothe daughter was not lonely and did not grow up selfish. Previously, my husband and I decided that there would be only one child, but recently I began to notice that he sometimes agrees with the parents that we need another child, he wants a son. I am categorically against it, and I know that I will never agree, but I am afraid that things may lead to quarrels in our family.

I test-antibiotic.com have repeatedly reprimanded my mother so that she would not cause discord in my family. If she liked to constantly walk around pregnant and be busy only with diapers and coughs and sneezes, then this does not appeal to me at all - just once was enough for me.

What kills me is their argument that the more children there are in a family, the stronger it is. Yeah,the husband will be very happy when he comes home and finds his tired, unused and dissatisfied wife in an untidy apartment and in an old robe. But with a bunch of small, always screaming children. Just achieved material well-being, began to go on vacation, and now all this needs to be changed for the sake of another child? What is the meaning of such a feat?

Why is everyone so eager to give?advice to others, deciding that they should do as they do? Even if it's the parents. They livedlife the way they wanted, without listening to anyone. For some reason they thought that I was happy to live in a large family! After all, I remember very well how my grandmother (mother’s)Mom ) was indignant and told my mother when she found out that she was pregnant again: “Where are you giving birth to them already?” I was 11 years old then, and most of my time I helped my mother, I was just a nanny. When I recently told her about this, she was offended.

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