Confused in a relationship with two men

Confused in a relationship with two men
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I'm like everyone elsegirls , working,my husband also works. We've been together for 2 years, a year of which we've been officially married. Before the wedding, I changed my job to one that was closer to my liking (related to cars), plus on my days off I do eyelash extensions.

The decision to get married was balanced and deliberate. Before the wedding, my husband and I were wonderfulrelationships , there were always compliments, attention, and so on. After the wedding about a month later, everything changed. My husband just stopped paying attention to me, we lived like neighbors. I constantly talked to him about this, in response I only heard that he would change and so on, but he changed only for a week, then everything went in a circle, more conversations and promises.

And at the new workplace he began to pay attention to meman . I accepted his advances because my husband didn’t care about me, and I was on the verge of divorce (my husband knew that I wanted to divorce him, but did nothing). At first it was just cutecommunication , lunch at the same table, every morning he brought me different goodies, in winter, when there was ice, he accompanied me to work. On New Year's Day he gave me a white gold ring and invited me to celebrate the New Year in St. Petersburg (she refused). Then there was a pleasant time spent together, kissing (there was no intimacy).

In general, this all lasted for four months, I was dragging my feet, constantly afraid of something, andI felt sorry for my husband . In the end, this man was simply tired of waiting for me and listening to my promises (my own fault), and as a result, our relationship ended. We work together, and I feel tension between us, it seems to me that he still has some feelings, but I realized that I love him and it’s very difficult for me now. I don’t understand what to do and what to do next. I thought about talking to him and confessing my feelings, but I’m very afraid of looking stupid in his eyes and getting rejected. I don’t understand what to do.

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