Sister's will

Sister's will
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I have two sisters - one is 4 years older than me, and the other is 2 years younger. Once upon a time there were 5 sisters, but the 2 oldest died. We are all already retired. The sisters live not far from each other, and I am in another city 500 km away.

Everything was fine until recently, we communicated, the eldest visited me 2-3 times a year, I live near a big city, in a country village, a big house, a good plot of land, my own business. I always lived for at least 2 weeks with everything ready, my travel was paid for, and I was given gifts with me. The youngest also always visited 1-2 times a year, came with her partner, they were always greeted, feasts, barbecues and all that. They came to see me more than once for the New Year . I visit them once every 3-4 years. This is usually on the anniversary of the death of the parents.

And now 2 years agomy sister left after staying for 2 weeks, then she went on vacation. And at that time, the younger sister arrived with her partner; they went somewhere on business in our area and stopped when they were going there and promised to stop by on the way back. We stopped by 2 days later, we called, discussed the time, I prepared lunch, I’m waiting for them. We've arrived. He doesn’t come into the house demonstratively, I immediately felt some tension, but I invite him into the house for dinner. My sister came in alone, I ate, and of course I asked what was the matter. It turns out that he was offended that he was not greeted warmly enough, in his opinion. Not much honor, in short. Well, here I, of course, did not remain silent, I also spoke out. And she said about her older sister how she didn’t express herself very well. I can talk about this for a long time. But then suddenly the younger sister told me that her older sister had written a will for her. She's lonely with usthere is no husband and children, if anything, we are her two heirs. Inheritance item – 2-roomapartment . It turns out that she did this 2 years ago, that is, she did it so that I would not be her heir.

I am not a poor person and my husband and I earned everything we have and, in general, according to, I don’t need her inheritance. But it was the way it was done that outraged me. Throughout this entire time, she came to me, essentially, with a fig in her pocket. The youngest hasdaughter, 35 years old, nomarried , no grandchildren. The eldestmy son died 15 years ago from drinking. Maybe they are just jealous of me that everything is fine with me, and their children and grandchildren, who are also doing well? But how can you envy me, your own sister? But these are just my assumptions.

This time my sister and I parted coldly, and the eldest simply stopped communicating with me. We used to almostEvery day we talked on the internet, but here I write, she is silent. Well, after that I stopped writing. And the younger one tried to continue the showdown with me, but I quickly stopped it. I don’t like this, I didn’t do anything bad to them, I never made any complaints about anything, and I won’t allow anyone, including my own sister, to communicate with me in that tone. It's been 2 years since I've seen Of course, I miss them, I don’t understand their behavior. I am very sorry that in their old age, instead of uniting even more, becoming closer, they suddenly started some kind of incomprehensible fuss.

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