The father-in-law's greed has crossed all boundaries

The father-in-law's greed has crossed all boundaries
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

In my story, I didn’t embellish anything; on the contrary, I was a little too lazy to show all the abomination of that life. Some people didn’t believe it, deciding that this doesn’t happen in life. No, it happens, it happens. And those who have experienced the same or similar things will understand me.

They wondered why everyone tolerated such behavior from their father-in-law? Honestly I do not know. Because, with my current mind, I would not tolerate this. This was the prelude, now, in fact, the story itself.

When the father-in-law got drunk, a one-man show began: he spoke some nonsense, made faces, danced, kissed cows and laughed. Poked everyoneI took the money back the next day. But that didn’t make it any easier for us. Our daughters were born within one month of each other, weak, thin, and underweight. It is clear that the parents provided the children’s dowry and stroller (this is our custom). When the children grew a little older, we began to go hungry more, since the cup of thin soup that we were given, we gave first of all to our little ones, while we ourselves were undernourished. But my father-in-law collected child benefits regularly. And God forbid the children get sick, because again the parents paid for everything.

My father-in-law and mother-in-law didn’t like me because I often rebelled against the rules and expressed dissatisfaction. But she loved her sisters-in-law and brothers-in-law, they were great (this is still true). Therefore, when, after the next uprising, I went to my parents, they visited me there. I was always chubby, but very soon I turned into a slender woman with languid (hungry) eyes. There were two sisters-in-lawmarried , they loved their husbands' families more than their parents.

One day, when I went back to my parents, one of them was hospitalized with hepatitis. Everything seemed to be fine, but she suddenly fell into a coma and died. Mymy father went to the funeral and returned angry. He says: “there is crying and sorrow in the house, and your father-in-law is sitting and pointing at everyone with a list of money spent on the sick person.”daughter . His child died, and he is grieving about money!” But I wasn’t surprised by the story, I just felt sorry for my sister-in-law, she was good.

In winter, our gas was periodically turned off, and we installed electric heaters, but my father-in-law turned off the meter a couple of times at night. In the morning, our children woke up in beshiks with frozen noses (thank God, they didn’t catch a cold that winter). My oatmeal and I became nervous and irritable. Ovsin somehow reconciled herself, but I couldn’t, I argued with my mother-in-law, and was rude to my father-in-law and husband. My father-in-law called me a machine gun for my sharp tongue. We had areas where construction was already being done by our (daughter-in-law’s) forces - yes, we, like real builders, carried cement, carried stones, and handed bricks to the builders. Our hands were covered in blisters, it hurt terriblybody , but no one cared, not even ourselves, since in these houses we saw future freedom.

Whenmy husband was left without work, and I was on maternity leave with two children; my father-in-law evicted us into the basement of our house under construction. How happy I was! Freedom! Even though there was an earthen floor, there was no gas or water, but it was my home. Despite all the antics of my father-in-law and mother-in-law, I tried to respect them, but after one incident I realized that my father-in-law had nothing human at all. My eldestmy son , when he was two years old, fell into a huge ditch near our house. At this time allmy familyMy husband worked in the garden next to our plot. He pulled out his sonneighbor , the whole mahalla came running, someone called an ambulance, all the noise, and this bastard is lying in the shade under a tree! He didn’t even come over to see what was wrong with his grandson! Then he denied, saying that he was there too, but I remember for sure that he was not there.

There were many such cases, now I don’t communicate with him for five years already. After his retirement, he completely deteriorated; he wears rags and clothes with huge holes, although he receives a very good pension. He and his mother-in-law don’t trust each other; he keeps everything in a safe in his room, where he doesn’t let anyone in. The mother-in-law pays her husband rent in order to store her gold (earrings, rings) in the safe. They hate each other. I look at them and wonder how they can live like this. The father-in-law does not communicate with all his sons' fathers-in-law, that is, with our fathers. Although this makes them neither hot nor cold. The daughter of my deceased sister-in-law lives with them, I feel sorry for her, the girl walks around dressed shabbily, she has anemia and sinusitis, he doesn’t even let her eat fruit from the yard, he sells everything, she comes to us for fruit.

He plans to live to be a hundred years old. Looking at them, I thank my sharp tongue, which helped me escape from hell. And after that my husband had to be re-educated for a long time, it was an epic battle. If necessary, maybe I’ll tell you.

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