Too bad my son didn't listen to me.

Too bad my son didn't listen to me.
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

Before takingmarry a woman with someone else's child, you had to think a hundred times. So I told my son, but he has love! And now I - disentangle.

The younger son married a woman with an illegitimate child. We do not help young people financially, let everyone earn their own money. My son and his family rent an apartment not far from us. His wife gave birth to us a grandson and sits at home on maternity leave. On weekends, they ask me to sit with both children, because, they say, they get tired and want to be alone. I don't mind. With your own grandson, you are always welcome, but someone else'sI don't need a child . My daughter-in-law began to blackmail me, saying, take both children, or even I won’t let you see my own grandson. And why do I also need someone else's child, I have five grandchildren of my own. Well there is no way. I do not like blackmail and do not succumb to it, although I love my grandson and want to communicate.

The daughter-in-law turned to my other daughter-in-law, the wife of the eldest son, saying, let's fight together with the mother-in-law and not give grandchildren at all. She will not go anywhere, she will miss the children. So let's bend it for ourselves. The wife of the eldest son flatly refused and told my daughter everything. Adaughter to me. But I am silent. The daughter-in-law is an adult, and she herself must understand who and what can be said, and who cannot. Addresseddaughter-in-law for help and to my daughter (quite stupid) to help influence me or be a Sunday nanny herself. The daughter does not mind nursing, but only her own nephew, and then not often and not for long, she and her two children. She also does not want to bring someone else's child into her home, family and her children. The daughter-in-law is again not satisfied with this option. She came on Saturday with the children and threw a tantrum, appealed to conscience and pity. She said that children are each other's brother andsister and they cannot be separated, she even shed a tear. But I don't care about her tears and tantrums.

What am I doing here? She walked herself, educate herself. It's not my fault that the girl does not have a dad or other grandmothers and grandfathers. The parents of the daughter-in-law also do not want to accept this girl. They once persuaded their daughter to have an abortion and warned that a child born out of wedlock would not be accepted. So who is to blame for her, that she did not want to listen and did it in her own way? You've done it yourself, undo it yourself. And what kind of daughter does she have, ifmother is trying in every way to fuse her to strangers? So I gave advice to my daughter-in-law “than making a fuss and causing confusion in the family, it’s better to go to a psychologist and figure out what kind of attitude you have towards your daughter. Maybe it's your own fault?" She got offended and rude to me. I am not interested in her grievances, but I feel sorry for her grandson and son. After all, she warned her son. Now I'm waiting for the arrogance to subside from my daughter-in-law. I do not need other people's children, I have enough of my own. How to explain all this to her?

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