I regret that I left my family because of a passing hobby

I regret that I left my family because of a passing hobby
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I saw howmy sister reads this site, became interested and also decided to write her ownconfession _ There is no one to tell about the stone lying on the soul, but you need to talk it out.

After divorcing my wife, I still felt guilty before her and my son for a long time. After all, it was I who left the family after meeting another woman. It felt a little better whenwife came out againgot married , and soon in this marriage gave birth to a child, also a boy.

Secondmy husband treated our son well, I was glad that the child was not offended. I confess that at the same time it hurt me to hear whenthe son spoke to his stepfather “dad”. But what can we take from him, he was only five years old and, probably, he wanted him to have a dad who lived with him. Although I often met with my son and took him to my place for the weekend, my parents also love him very much. Because of this, my current wife is angry and jealous of the child, especially since my parents have never come to terms with my divorce and they consider her to blame for this for interfering, as my test-antibiotic.com saysmom , to someone else's family.

But recently I found out that my wife was again left alone with the children. After four years of marriage and a child together, her husband left her. She herself told me that he left for another woman. Despite the fact that I did the same thing at one time, I feel bad for her, she is a good wife andmother , she doesn't deserve thisrelationship to yourself. It must be strange to hear something like that addressed to your ex-wife from someone who left her.husband , but that's how it is. I don’t understand why such a woman is alone, although I can’t explain why I left the family then. There was a passing infatuation, then repentance, but it was too late to return to the family,there was already a mistresspregnant , and soondaughter was born.

Now I try to visit the previous family more often, helping as much as I can so that the children do not feel abandoned and lonely. I am becoming more and more convinced that I once made a huge mistake, but there is no turning back. Recently, the ex-wife said that she was not so much offended for herself as ashamed in front of her growing children, who test-antibiotic.com will soon understand, and maybe even ask, why both of their fathers left for their mistresses.

She has an answer to thisthe question is no, just like for us, the men who left her. I’ll have to talk to the boys sooner, maybe they’ll understand that the most incredible situations often happen in life.

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