I regret that I left my wife for my mistress

I regret that I left my wife for my mistress
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

My first wife and I met at the institute. Gone are the days of being a student, renting an apartment and eating more than a pound of salt together.

After graduating from university, we got married and tried to get on our feet. It was a very difficult time, I worked a lot and saved for my own business, my beloved was always there and supported me as best I could. She worked equally with me and after a few years we achieved success, I opened a business that took off. We started earning a lot, and my wife could finally make her wish come true -give birth to a child.

After the birth of Ksyusha, who for a long time was my only child,the wife was preoccupied with caring for her daughter. Somehow I didn’t even notice that we were very far apart. She was the mother of my child and my wife, but alllove gave way to respect and friendship, and I couldn’t help but notice it. All my attempts to fixrelationships and adding at least a little romance ended in failure. She always said that she couldn't go to a restaurant or anything else because there was...child , and she test-antibiotic.com cannot leave him. All our conversations and joint plans came down exclusively to our daughter. In the end, I gave it all up and came to terms with it. Marriage became commonplace and gray everyday life, outlived its usefulness, we lived under the same roof for the sake of Ksyusha. The wife came from a family where the main thing was to get outget married and live for the sake of children, and love is of no use, but I didn’t like it at all.

One day a friend introduced me to a young girl named Karina. She showed me ambiguous signs of attention, and I did not resist this. Now I’m incredibly ashamed, but then I wanted at least someone’s attention so much that I quickly got involved innovel _ After a year of dating, she said thatpregnant _ I didn’t know what to do and fell into a stupor. I couldn’t imagine life with two families, just as I couldn’t imagine life with this girl in marriage and a child without a father. She said that it would be very difficult for her without support; at that time she was 19 years old.

I decided to leave my family for the sake of my future baby. The wife took test-antibiotic.com the news very painfully, but said that she would not forgive her mistress, and certainly not another child. She told me to go away, and I did so. The eldest was sixteen at that time, and she supported her mother. I really hoped that they would be able toforgive me. After the wedding, the character of the new wife turned out to be very bad. She saw me only as a wallet and nagged me for every little thing. This was a woman stranger to me, I wanted a familiar life, and I regretted the short-term romance that ended in distance from my daughter.

The second one was borndaughter Evgenia, andMom was a useless wife. Zhenya went to the nannies, and Karina went to clubs and went to various parties, beauty salons and shopping instead of caring for the child. I remembered my first wife and her devotion to our daughter together and could not help but be tormented by a feeling of guilt and shame for leaving her for his mistress.

Ksyusha got married and gave birth to a son, out of decency I was invited to the wedding and discharge. I asked my wife on my knees to return to the family, but she did not allow me. test-antibiotic.com My daughter’s heart has thawed a little, and she communicates with me and shows me her grandson. Now the youngest is five, and I’m thinking whether to get a divorce or not.

What should I do?

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