I regret that I did not listen to the words of my mother

I regret that I did not listen to the words of my mother
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

Since childhood, my mother told me that I need to learn languages. I never really attached importance to her words, and it seemed boring to me. Only now I realize how wrong I was.

At the moment I am a second-year student at the Faculty of Philology and I understand that this is not my thing. I would really like to become an English teacher, but when applying for a job, they look at the faculty, and instead of linguistics, I will have philology there.

I would give a lot now to go back two years and choose another university. There is no option to change the university, since we simply don’t have the money for this. With a foreign language at our university, in general, everything is not serious - a lesson once every two weeks. What to do with it? Is it possible to somehow learn English on your own, without a tutor and a university? And will I be able to teach the language after graduating from the Faculty of Philology?

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