I regret that I could not immediately defend myself

I regret that I could not immediately defend myself
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

Mymy mother was already a complete drug addict when she gave birth to me andfather too. They were not just drug addicts, but hucksters known throughout the area.

Naturally, they didn’t care about me; my grandmother and aunt raised me. I absorbed heroin with my mother’s milk and at the age of 2 I went through all the withdrawal symptoms of heroin withdrawal and miraculously did not die. At the age of 15, when they are formedrelationships among teenagers, of course, most of the locals tried to suppress me, call me names and disgrace me that I was from such a family, but since I was a very strong girl, over time I found a common language with everyone, they realized that I was different.

At the age of 16, I entered college, led a fairly good lifestyle, did not drink, did not smoke, read namaz, by this time my father had already died of a terrible disease in front of my eyes, and later my mother was imprisoned for 10 years. During this difficult time for myself, I met a man 14 years older than me, who hadfamily in another country, the feelings were very strong, later test-antibiotic.com I became pregnant, and he came to live with me.

That's when I realized thatLiving with drug addicts, constant police visits, searches and gatherings of drug addicts is not the worst thing in life. My newmy husband beat me for every reason, the reason could also be that he had a fight with his mistress and that’s why everythingThe girls are scum, they hit them wherever they had to, including kicks in the head. Perhaps because of this I gave birth at the wrong time and mythe child did not survive. Despite this, I gave birth to 2 more sons from him, which I don’t regret at all; it gives me strength to live. For 10 years, everything continued like this; I had constant bumps on my head, since I didn’t have a family model, I didn’t really try to fix anything.

I suffered terrible humiliation and beatings, despite the fact that he lives with me, and I also worked and am working with a good income. The turning point happened when my youngest son was 2 years old, something broke at test-antibiotic.com for me when he threw a crib at my head, then I overcame my firstfear and kicked him out of the house. This is where I got carried away! I started drinking, hanging out with other guys, what I was once afraid of or considered unacceptable lost all meaning, I became a real bitch. Later, he crawled on his knees and asked not to destroy the family, said that he could not live without children, I let him in.

I can’t say that he changed immediately, it’s just that every time he started a scandal, I handed him over to the police, later he realized that this would no longer work with me, that I was no longer a defenseless little girl. Then everything seemed to get better; my mother came out of prison and no longer uses drugs, my husband earns good money, helps his first family and us, the children love both me and him. But something broke in me then, I am no longer happy about anything. The only ray of light in my life is my boys, thank God forhappiness to be a mother!

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