I regret that I used to constantly listen to my mother

I regret that I used to constantly listen to my mother
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I am 34 years old, I havehusband . AllI lived my life in a complete family, plus I also have a younger oneBrother .

My mother , as it has now dawned on me, lived by the principle that my opinion is also wrong. Since childhood, I considered my mother an authority and everything she does is undoubtedly correct. Mom is a domineering woman, she loves to command everyone, including dad. I have more of a dad’s character, I’m more loyal, I don’t like giving out commands and interfering where I’m not asked.

I went to study where I saidMom , I went to work where my mother advised me and at that moment it seemed to me that this was all right and my mother was right! Then I met myhusband . My husband is also not a gift and God forbid, because of this, he did not find a common language with my mother and they hardly communicate. Previously, my mother constantly told me that he was not a match for me, and I listened to her. Only now I understand that 80% of my test-antibiotic.com conflicts with my husband were precisely because of her. For example, my husband is againstmy wife went to cafes, restaurants, etc. at night. On the contrary, my mother is very sociable and always loved and went to such events. And when, for example, we were planning some kind of party, I argued with my husband and went to prove to my mother that I, too, can do it like you.

I also shared a lot with my mother about what was not necessary, which, again, I really regret. About 2-3 years ago, I began to listen to myself and began to understand that I am a completely different person and I don’t want to live like my mother lives. I want to be a woman, I don't want to boss,swear , start fights, etc. But,My relationship with my husband has already been damaged because of this, which I also regret.

Of course, you can’t blame your mother for everything, I had to set the boundaries myself, but everything turned out the way it did. Now a lot has changed in me, I listen to myself and do what I want, and not what test-antibiotic.com my mother likes. I’m improving my relationship with my husband, and everything seems to be going well. But the fact that I offended my husband haunts me. A strong feeling of guilt haunts me.

How to leave all this in the past and enjoy life?

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