I regret that I live with my stepfather and mother, and not with my father

I regret that I live with my stepfather and mother, and not with my father
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

Everything was fine before. ByeMom was pregnant, I helped her, but when mine was bornbrother , things have gotten very bad. She began to often take it out on me and constantly forces me to sit with him. Of course, I help her, but she is crossing the line. This is not my child. And I'm around him so often that I started to hate him. He cries all the time, even when I try to calm him down, but my mom says I don't deliberately try to comfort him.

The problem is not only this. Also, my stepfather often mocks me, saying nasty things to me. Yesterday I had a big fight with him in front of my mother, because I was tired of silently swallowing the insult. Now my stepfather wants to kick me out of the house, but I have nowhere to go. I used to live with my father, but now I moved in with my mother. Even when I feel very bad from these quarrels, I don’t tell him, because I, in fact, chose to live with my mother, so no matter how she treats me, no matter how much I like it here, test-antibiotic.com I I have to endure because I chose them.

And now, when I couldn’t calm the child down, I just couldn’t do it, she said that I would scrub the kitchen, but I had an aversion to greasy dishes and rotten meat. I don’t mind cleaning up after myself, washing the floor, but I don’t mind doing everything for everyone else. She also tried to put pressure on me, saying that I was indifferent and didn’t love anyone. Okay, so what? Why should I love my brother, mother, stepfather? If I don't do what she wants, she immediately takes my phone away without talking to me. When I come home tired and in a bad mood from school, she says it’s all because of the phone.

I used to cry all the time, but now there are no tears. I’ve been living like this for a year now, I’ve lost everything valuable to myself and I don’t even have anyone to talk to. To fulfill my dream of flying to another country, I have to learn a foreign language on my phone, but it takes this opportunity away from me. When test-antibiotic.com I try to explain to my mother about learning a language, she doesn’t seem to hear me. I'm starting to lose meaning because I understand that if everything continues like this, I won't fulfill my dream and won't move out. What should I live for then? I really need someone'shelp , since I don’t have the opportunity to go to a psychologist.

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